Friday 21 September 2012

The eyes have it, the hair shows it

Have you ever seen a kid who is out of place? Have you ever seen a girl with green eyes at the bus station in Butterworth? She's Malay, but probably of Aryan origin. Have you ever seen a little boy in Pakistan who has blue eyes?! Have you ever seen a little girl in India who has hazel eyes, like glass?! I once had an Indian family as a neighbour. They were from India. The entire family had green eyes! They moved to Australia. I have a male cousin who has green eyes. Have you seen beautiful eyes in children? What causes these beautiful eyes we see in people, young and old? They are descended from the Aryan people or race. Who or what are they?

Aryan means noble or honoured. Ariane is a popular Malay name. It is believed that the Aryan race is noble. All races are noble in our eyes. The Aryans are diverse and comprise some of the people living in Iran, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Burma and many other places, including along the ancient Silk Route, in some parts of China, and in northern Malaysia. Where did they come from? They were probably descended from the white people who had green or blue eyes, possibly from the Greeks, and the Syrians, etc.

From our glorious history, Alexander the Great was thought to have come this far from Greece, before he turned his army back and returned to Greece, but he died on the way home and did not reach Greece. Of course, when the Greek armies invaded these Asian countries one after the other, the Greek soldiers could have captured and raped the women (this is a common practice) and this gave rise to the first generation of green eyes, which through in-breeding, keeps the green eye colour within a specific clan. The same could have happened to the other invaders of Asia - a barbaric tribe came, battled, won, raped the women, and moved on, leaving their marks behind.

The Syrian people are thought to be the descendants of Nabi Yusuf a.s. We know from Islamic history that he was a beautiful prophet and was much adored by the ladies of his time. He married Zulaikha, the former wife of the Governor Abdul Aziz. So Syrian women have beautiful eyes and hair, and are generally very beautiful. We were told by our tour group leader and ustaz in Makkah that Syrians are beautiful as they are descended from Nabi Yusof a.s.

We can see some Greek features and eye structure of the children below, who were spotted in the countries mentioned above, but not Greece.

Very American or Irish but found in Afghanistan

She definitely resembles Alexander the Great, a Greek
She looks Syrian and partly Greek
He has my maternal grandfather's face and smile; he was a Pakistani (Sindhi)
Deceptive eyes
Looks Irish
She resembles my youngest daughter
Beautiful green eyes of an Indian schoolgirl
An Indian woman with green eyes, definitely Greek
An Afghan lady, Sarbat Gula. She was photographed by the National Geographic for its magazine cover. She was probably 35 years old in 2003/4. She should be 45 in 2012. The National Geographic team returned to locate and interview her but the culture there prevents that. She is married and has kids. She didn't speak English. Her facial features did not change much. Her eyes are green.


DanNeutron said...

I'm sorry but Indians, Syrians, Pakistani's are CAUCASOIDS! They are different from Malaysians are Mongoloids, who are gooks, not Caucasoids. Syrians, Aryans, Indians etc have nothing to do with Mongoloids, who are flat faced gooks, and you have nothing to do with the people in the pictures; they are different people then your kind like Malaysians sorry!