Friday 21 September 2012

King Tut's DNA

Since we have settled things which have to do with the Human Genome Project (HGP), now it is time is study King Tut's DNA. What was King Tut's genomic DNA like? Did he have DNA like ours? Did he have the same chromosomes as males today? Did King Tut have the 43 + XY genetic make-up? Did he have the same genes as ours? Did he have genetic markers like we have? How do we know his parents and grandparents? What blood group did King Tut have? Do we have to dig up all the mummies in the pyramids to find out? Do we have to open up all the mummies to find out? What exactly do we have to do to find out what King Tut's genetic makeup was like? Any clues? Is it exciting to learn about the usefulness of DNA applications? What else can we do with DNA?