Sunday 24 June 2012

Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS)

Doctor Najeeb video lecture:
YouTube: Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS)

Comments by students:

You are a true teacher! There are not enough people like you. Please keep sharing your teachings, so I can learn. At my school the instructors don't read the textbooks and have forgotten how things work. I often find myself biting my tongue and pray they don't use questions they made up themselves.

How is it possible that in 10 minutes you used your magical colored markers to clearly explain a concept which has taken my A&P professor over a week to clumsily stumble over? I think you might be a wizard.

you know how confusing the kidney's can be? Thanks for helping me save my grade in physio. Your the best Dr. Najeeb!

thank you doctor.. how i wish your the one who's teaching us... i can clearly understand