Prof Faridah
Rizna Md Aros
Dear All,
This is Raja Nurkamilia, my cousin's daughter. Shes only 12years old. Shes in ICU PPUM fighting for her life. Anybody who are A+ blood type (preferably male donor) n able to help pls call 012 9196955 (rina) tq so much again. God Bless.

Share · Tuesday at 22:55 via Mobile ·
Rina M.Shaharuddin Salam to all. My name is Rina. The girl mentioned is my daughter. She has AML leukemia. A week ago she developed complications due to pneumonia. Her body is unable to fight the infection as she has no white cells. Doctors have given the maximum dosage of antibiotics but it has yet to show results. We are trying something fairly new now. What we need are white cells from donors. Procedure is that there will be a briefing by the specialist for the potential donor before we can proceed with the blood donation. Should you be keen, some of your time will definitely need to be invested as it's not as straight forward as a normal blood drive. Why we prefer male is because their veins are bigger and the machine is highly sensitive. O+ is acceptable. If that's ok with you, then do call me. Thank you..
Tuesday at 23:44
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