Monday 26 December 2011

Blog: Lifelong Learning About Islam

I operate the blog Lifelong Learning About Islam for USM under the Ibnu Sina Research Cluster. The Dean (Prof Abdul Aziz Baba) has asked me to proceed with this research and making collaborative links with other institutions and persons. There are many activities & collaborative projects which are possible under this Cluster.

Here are some of the possible things which students can try look into:

Halal Index
Halal food
Medicinal plants at Bukit Uhud
Islamic Medicine
Prophetic Medicine & Practices
Solat in medical practice & patient care
Wudhu' & Tayamum in patient care
S&T in Islam
Green Energy
Al-Quran for patient care
As-Sunnah for patient care
Terminal care in Islam
Lectures in Islam
Cultural practices in Muslim families
Celebrations in Islam
Welfare of Muslim families
Islamic dress for males
Islamic dress for females