Monday 26 September 2011

Female world records

Women do create records in their own way. Here are some records made by females.

First and oldest woman known in history:
Hawa (Eve), wife of Prophet Adam a.s. She had no parents. She was derived from Prophet Adam a.s.

Oldest woman to give birth to a son:
Sarah, wife of Prophet Ibrahim a.s. She was 80-90 years old (need to confirm her age).

Oldest woman to give birth to multiple live births:
She is a South American, aged 85 years old (need to confirm her age). Scientists are still researching her genes and why she is still fertile even in old age. She lives in the mountainous region of the Andes where the air is clean. She makes love in the woods, far away from people where it is quiet. She is a housewife. She has twins, triplets, quartets, quintuplets etc.

Oldest Malay lady known to have live birth:
She is 56 years old. She has just delivered at Hospital USM today.

Oldest woman alive:
She was a Black and lived in a small hut by the sea somewhere in the Carribean. She lived by herself but people visited her at home. She lived till 116 years old (need to confirm her age). Researchers asked her what she ate. She said she took unripe green bananas daily.

The prettiest lady in the world:
Khadijah, wife of Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. She loved her husband dearly.

Pretty wife:
Zulaikha, wife of Nabi Yusof a.s.

Most intelligent wife:
A'isyah, wife of Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.

Wife with pretty hair:
Wife of the Pharaoh.

Questions for readers:
What are the genes that give rise to beauty?
What are the beauty genes?
Why does beauty fade with age?
How can a male arm be differentiated from a female arm?