Saturday 16 July 2011

OSCE Checklists

OSCE (Objective-Centred Clinical Examination) is usually hosted in the second year onward when clinicals have been introduced and can therefore been asked in exams. Most OSCEs use checklists in order to be fair to students and to avoid examiner-bias.

OSCE Checklists for the different organ-systems can be found on Scribd

Examples of OSCE checklist are on Scribd by Michael Smith. They can serve as a learning aid as well as training guides. Checklists on real OSCEs are fine-tuned and then vetted for use in exams.


Unknown said... Course Directors and SPs have worked together for a fairly long time, and are well experienced in helping numerous students, including candidates with multiple attempts, pass the Step 2 Clinical skillsTest. Practicing with other students can be helpful, but the exposure to SPs will definitely improve your confidence manifold.