Friday 29 July 2011

Online Learning

Physical universities are a thing of the past, before the digital revolution and computers began, some time before 1980s. Nowadays, students can register online and also take course offered online without ever coming to class - there's no classroom anyway. There are no teachers too except for facilitators or mentors and study guides. It is a new way of learning now and in the near future. Why did it ever become this way? It turned out to be this way as learning is a personal interest, some more interested than others. Some are fast learners and others otherwise. Some want to learn for a true educational reason; others just need a degree for a job application. How one gets a degree doesn't matter anymore. Alarming as it may sound but it's true. This is the real educational world today. Of course we tend to be apprehensive about things virtual but we can always do our own research to see for ourselves. I would caution degree-go-getters to be sincere in obtaining their degrees, now that the traditional way also has virtual means. Unscrupulous people dare sell paper degrees and parents as well as their university students may not be aware of possible degree scams. Paper degrees are sold in little coffee shops, in back lanes, in all possible place just like illegal documents are (passports, birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc). The whole educational world has resorted to virtual degrees as a cheaper means to procure students (and thus easy money) but we should exercise much caution in deciding where to actually bank in on even a virtual program, never mind a full degree course. Just be careful what you are paying for and where things are really coming from. Check and double check.
Further reading on online learning