Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Sickle-Cell Anaemia (SCA)

Sickle-cell anaemia (SCA) on YouTube:
A Child Prodigy, a Painful Disease, and a Life-Changing Treatment | National Geographic

Caesar Sant's Facebook

Crowd funding for Caesar Sant's bone transplant

Ethical issues involved:

  1. Was the second daughter (Helen) a sacrificial bone marrow transplant (BMT) donor for her SCA inflicted elder brother Caesar Sant?
  2. Is it ethical to say a sibling is born for the purpose of donation of her body parts (eg bone marrow) for the benefit of others (eg her elder sib)?
  3. Why is the cost of a bone transplant in the case of SCA an expensive affair?
  4. What will happen to the SCA patient if the funds cannot meet the target (cost of operation)?
  5. Is crowd-funding a reliable source of funding for SCA treatment for SCA patients?
  6. Can the bone marrow transplant be done at a much cheaper cost elsewhere?
  7. Where are the hospitals in the world that can avail their resources to support a BMT for a chikd like Caesar?
  8. Can the child's nationality, his family history of SCA and his genetic inheritance of SCA be made public?
  9. What is the SCA child's right to fair and affordable treatment?
  10. What type of genetic counselling can be given to the family members? First-degree relatives? How far need counselling go - up to what level do doctors need to provide counselling?