Friday 19 April 2013

Flu Virus Outbreaks

Every time there is war, we are left with injured soldiers and civilians, a lot of damages, bigger debts, and a new virus. Does war breed virus? Let's see when we had the viruses and which wars they were associated with.

Black Death

Spanish flu pandemic 1918 (H1N1) --- spread by soldiers returning after WWI in 1918; killed 40 million-100 million people; stepped up vaccine research.

Asian flu 1957 (H2N2) --- emerged from China, spread from birds to pigs to humans; spread to India with victims in Calcutta; in London a class of 40 was reduced to 9 students; culled pigs

Hong Kong flu 1968 (H3N2) --- soldiers returning after Vietnam war; 1 million dead

Russian flu 1977 --- spread by soldiers returning after the Cold War; hit Britain and people at schools, universities and institutions were prone; it is a re-emergence of Spanish flu (H1N1)

Bird flu April 2013 (H7N9) --- bird flu outbreak in China at Xiangxi and An Hui; old man named Lee (87) died; young man named Wu (27) infected; culled chickens
News, IKIM, 1 April 2013, 12 noon - H7N9

British army hospitals