Thursday 21 January 2010

Cerebral palsy (CP)

Stem Cell Treatment for Cerebral Palsy

What is cerebral palsy or CP?
Cerebral palsy is usually associated with events that occur before (in utero) or during birth, (congenital) but may be acquired during the first few months (infancy) or years of life (childhood to adult) as the result of head trauma (injury to the head) or infection (pathogenic microorganisms invade and cause infection).

Cerebral palsy means "brain paralysis". It causes fault development and damage motor areas in the brain, which result in a number of chronic neurological disorders. The symptoms of cerebral palsy (CP) differ from person to person and evolve or alter as children and the nervous system matures in children. The severity of the symptoms is related to the severity of the brain damage.

Common Symptoms

Symptoms of cerebral palsy can be as simple as having difficulty with fine motor tasks like writing or using scissors, or as profound as being unable to maintain balance or walk. Other common symptoms are speech problems, vision problems, and different levels of paralysis of the limbs.

Severely afflicted patients may have involuntary movements, such as uncontrollable hand motions and drooling. Others suffer from associated medical disorders, such as seizures and mental retardation.


External links: Shourie's book about his son Aditya'Hanlon Curran pageant-is-her-crowning-achievement/


naturelifeaayurveda said...

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