Monday, 30 December 2013

Takla Makan Desert Tocharians: White Mummies of China's Silk Road

Taken from YouTube. 30 December 2013.

Published on 22 Sep 2013
White Mummies in China▕ March of the Titans

Perfectly preserved 3000-year-old mummies have been unearthed in a remote Chinese desert, shedding new light on the contact between the East and West in the ancient world. But these don't appear to be the ancestors of the modern-day Chinese people, they have long, blonde hair and blue eyes. New evidence of the lost civilization of the Tocharians along the Silk Road offers more clues to this mystery from the past.

The Tocharians: the Great Lost White migration to China.

The Chinese civilization always contained stories of blue-eyed and blonde-haired leaders who were the originators of Buddhism and who were the first leaders and organizers of Chinese society. These stories were always regarded as pure legend until the 1977 discovery of the graveyards of the Tocharians in the Takla Makan desert in China. The Tocharian mummies - naturally preserved in the dry desert sands are unequivocally clear Nordic racial types. The graveyards lie near the ruins of the great Tocharian cities, built along the famous Silk Route. It is beyond doubt that Whites settled in China, and the Chinese legends of White influence on that civilization may yet have some basis in fact

Song: General Lü

General Lü,
The valiant-hearted,
Riding alone on Scarlet Hare,
Out of the gates of Ch'in,
To weep at Gold Grain Mound
By funeral trees.

Inscrutable that vaulted azure,
Arching over earth,
This is the way the world wags
In our Nine Provinces.
Gleaming ore from Scarlet Hill!
Hero of our time!
Green-eyed general, you well know
The will of Heaven!

After years of controversy and political intrigue,the research, which the Chinese government has attempted to postpone, archaeologists using genetic testing have proven that Caucasians roamed China's Tarim Basin 1,000 years before East Asian people arrived. 2004 study carried out by Jilin University also finding that the mummies DNA had white European genes, further proving that the earliest settlers of Western China were not East Asians but European.

The research, which the Chinese government has appeared to have delayed making public out of concerns of fueling Uighur Muslim separatism in its western-most Xinjiang region, is based on a cache of ancient dried-out corpses that have been found around the Tarim Basin in recent decades.

"It is unfortunate that the issue has been so politicized because it has created a lot of difficulties," Victor Mair, a specialist in the ancient corpses and co-author of "Mummies of the Tarim Basin", told AFP.

"It would be better for everyone to approach this from a purely scientific and historical perspective."

The discoveries in the 1980s of the undisturbed 4,000-year-old "Beauty of Loulan" and the younger 3,000-year-old body of the "Charchan Man" are legendary in world archaeological circles for the fine state of their preservation and for the wealth of knowledge they bring to modern research.

In historic and scientific circles the discoveries along the ancient Silk Road were on a par with finding the Egyptian mummies.

But China's concern over its rule in restive Xinjiang has widely been perceived as impeding faster research into them and greater publicity of the findings.

The desiccated corpses, which avoided natural decomposition due to the dry atmosphere and alkaline soils in the Tarim Basin, have not only given scientists a look into their physical biologies, but their clothes, tools and burial rituals have given historians a glimpse into life in the Bronze Age.

Mair, who played a pivotal role in bringing the discoveries to Western scholars in the 1990s, has worked tirelessly to get Chinese approval to take samples out of China for definitive genetic testing.

"I spent six months in Sweden last year doing nothing but gen. res.," Mair said from his home in the United States where he teaches at the University of Pennsylvania.

"My research has shown that in the second millennium BC, the oldest mummies, like the Loulan Beauty, were the earliest settlers in the Tarim Basin.

"From the evidence available, we have found that during the first 1,000 years after the Loulan Beauty, the only settlers in the Tarim Basin were Caucasoid."

East Asian peoples only began showing up in the eastern portions of the Tarim Basin about 3,000 years ago, Mair said, while the Uighur peoples arrived after the collapse of the Orkon Uighur Kingdom, largely based in modern day Mongolia, around the year 842.

"Modern DNA and ancient DNA show that Uighurs, Kazaks, Krygyzs, the peoples of Central Asia are all mixed Caucasian and East Asian. The modern and ancient DNA tell the same story," he said.

March of the Titans. Nova: White Mummies in China

Adam, Genghis Khan, and the Y-Chromosome

Super ancestor: Genghis Khan; a man of power who fathered several children, throughout Asia. 16 millions men point their Y-chromosome to Genghis Khan.

Adam: Our human male ancestor, father and grandfather of billions of humans who lived on Earth. Adam means "people" in Hebrew.

Eve: Our human female ancestor, mother and grandmother of billions of humans who lived on Earth.

King Solomon: Ethiopians believed he was their ancestor because the Ark of the Covenant was found there.

Haile Selasse: A former King of Ethiopia.

Garden of Eden: A place full of life's pleasantries.

Genographic project:

Thomas Jefferson: 3rd President of USA; fathered a child of his slave, Sally Hemmings. He may look European but his Y-chromosome tells the origin of his ancestors from ancient Phoenicia, now Lebanon and Syria.

Michelangelo: Painted Adam with black hair and muscular in the Vatican City. He looked Italian.

Critical Common Ancestor: He could be the father of men from many other countries.

M9 Mutation: A super ancestor. He lived about 40,000 years ago. He could be the forefather of half of all men alive. Not all men have the M9 mutation.

Pate Island: An island off East Africa. A genetic melting pot. Swab inside cheeks to obtain DNA samples.

M168: A genetic super ancestor from "Scientific Adam", to all men, including Genghis Khan and Thomas Jefferson. He was born about 16,000 years ago. Where and when did Adam live? What did he look like?

Bender: A forensic sculptor who was responsible for the reconstruction of Adam's face without his skull as evidence.

Hazabe tribe: Adam looked like the men of this tribe. Use facial reconstruction software with selected features to construct Adam's face from 16,000 years ago.

Mutations of Y-chromosome:

Adam: A modern man who could think as we do today. His lifestyle lives on in the Hazabe tribe. They hunt with bow and arrow and light fire by rubbing sticks. Adam was a Black African male who lived in East Africa. He had tight curly hair and thick lips. He had an oval-shaped face and skull.

National Geographic: DNA Mysteries: The Search for Adam

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Thyroid Resources

These guidelines and the accompanying patient information sets may be downloaded from the ACB and BTA websites:

Society for Endocrinology

ATA Patient Information

ATA Frequently Asked Questions

UK Guidelines for the Use of Thyroid Function Test 2006


Thyroid Disease Manager


Spencer et al. Clin Chem 1995;41:367 /
Spencer, C.A., Young D.S., Pestaner, L.C. Functional sensitivity of immunometric assays of thyrotropin (TSH) and impact on reliability of measurement of subnormal concentrations. Clinical Chemistry. 1995 (41): 367

Klaus Zophel, Gerd Wunderlich and Jorg Kotzerke
Clinical Chemistry 52, No. 2, 2006: 329-330.

Ferdinand and Veldhuis
Serum Thyrotropin Profiles
Endocrine Reviews, October 2013, 34(5):619 – 657

Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Dyslipidemia in Upper Egyptian Epileptic Children on Carbamazepine Therapy. Hosny M.A. ElMasry(1), Amira M. M. Hamed(1), Mostafa Abd Elazeem H(1), Hashem A. Hassan(2)and Mohammad M. Abolfotouh(3). Department of Pediatrics(1), Neuropsychiatry(2) and Medical Biochemistry(3), Faculty of Medicine, Al Azhar University, Assiut, Egypt

New Reference Intervals for Thyrotropin and Thyroid Hormones Based on National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry Criteria and Regular Ultrasonography of the Thyroid. Juergen Kratzsch1,1,a, Georg Martin Fiedler1,1, Alexander Leichtle1, Matthias Brügel1, Susanne Buchbinder1, Lothar Otto3, Osama Sabri3, Gert Matthes2 and Joachim Thiery1.+ Author Affiliations: 1Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, 2 Institute of Transfusion Medicines, and 3 Clinics for Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Leipzig; Leipzig, Germany.
↵aAddress correspondence to this author at: Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, University Hospital Leipzig; Paul-List-Strasse 13-15, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany. Fax 49-341-9722249; e-mail
Published June 16, 2005.
doi: 10.1373/clinchem.2004.047399
Clinical Chemistry. August 2005 vol. 51 no. 8 1480-1486