Monday, 30 December 2013
Takla Makan Desert Tocharians: White Mummies of China's Silk Road
Taken from YouTube. 30 December 2013.
Published on 22 Sep 2013
White Mummies in China▕ March of the Titans
Perfectly preserved 3000-year-old mummies have been unearthed in a remote Chinese desert, shedding new light on the contact between the East and West in the ancient world. But these don't appear to be the ancestors of the modern-day Chinese people, they have long, blonde hair and blue eyes. New evidence of the lost civilization of the Tocharians along the Silk Road offers more clues to this mystery from the past.
The Tocharians: the Great Lost White migration to China.
The Chinese civilization always contained stories of blue-eyed and blonde-haired leaders who were the originators of Buddhism and who were the first leaders and organizers of Chinese society. These stories were always regarded as pure legend until the 1977 discovery of the graveyards of the Tocharians in the Takla Makan desert in China. The Tocharian mummies - naturally preserved in the dry desert sands are unequivocally clear Nordic racial types. The graveyards lie near the ruins of the great Tocharian cities, built along the famous Silk Route. It is beyond doubt that Whites settled in China, and the Chinese legends of White influence on that civilization may yet have some basis in fact
Song: General Lü
General Lü,
The valiant-hearted,
Riding alone on Scarlet Hare,
Out of the gates of Ch'in,
To weep at Gold Grain Mound
By funeral trees.
Inscrutable that vaulted azure,
Arching over earth,
This is the way the world wags
In our Nine Provinces.
Gleaming ore from Scarlet Hill!
Hero of our time!
Green-eyed general, you well know
The will of Heaven!
After years of controversy and political intrigue,the research, which the Chinese government has attempted to postpone, archaeologists using genetic testing have proven that Caucasians roamed China's Tarim Basin 1,000 years before East Asian people arrived. 2004 study carried out by Jilin University also finding that the mummies DNA had white European genes, further proving that the earliest settlers of Western China were not East Asians but European.
The research, which the Chinese government has appeared to have delayed making public out of concerns of fueling Uighur Muslim separatism in its western-most Xinjiang region, is based on a cache of ancient dried-out corpses that have been found around the Tarim Basin in recent decades.
"It is unfortunate that the issue has been so politicized because it has created a lot of difficulties," Victor Mair, a specialist in the ancient corpses and co-author of "Mummies of the Tarim Basin", told AFP.
"It would be better for everyone to approach this from a purely scientific and historical perspective."
The discoveries in the 1980s of the undisturbed 4,000-year-old "Beauty of Loulan" and the younger 3,000-year-old body of the "Charchan Man" are legendary in world archaeological circles for the fine state of their preservation and for the wealth of knowledge they bring to modern research.
In historic and scientific circles the discoveries along the ancient Silk Road were on a par with finding the Egyptian mummies.
But China's concern over its rule in restive Xinjiang has widely been perceived as impeding faster research into them and greater publicity of the findings.
The desiccated corpses, which avoided natural decomposition due to the dry atmosphere and alkaline soils in the Tarim Basin, have not only given scientists a look into their physical biologies, but their clothes, tools and burial rituals have given historians a glimpse into life in the Bronze Age.
Mair, who played a pivotal role in bringing the discoveries to Western scholars in the 1990s, has worked tirelessly to get Chinese approval to take samples out of China for definitive genetic testing.
"I spent six months in Sweden last year doing nothing but gen. res.," Mair said from his home in the United States where he teaches at the University of Pennsylvania.
"My research has shown that in the second millennium BC, the oldest mummies, like the Loulan Beauty, were the earliest settlers in the Tarim Basin.
"From the evidence available, we have found that during the first 1,000 years after the Loulan Beauty, the only settlers in the Tarim Basin were Caucasoid."
East Asian peoples only began showing up in the eastern portions of the Tarim Basin about 3,000 years ago, Mair said, while the Uighur peoples arrived after the collapse of the Orkon Uighur Kingdom, largely based in modern day Mongolia, around the year 842.
"Modern DNA and ancient DNA show that Uighurs, Kazaks, Krygyzs, the peoples of Central Asia are all mixed Caucasian and East Asian. The modern and ancient DNA tell the same story," he said.
March of the Titans. Nova: White Mummies in China
Adam, Genghis Khan, and the Y-Chromosome
Super ancestor: Genghis Khan; a man of power who fathered several children, throughout Asia. 16 millions men point their Y-chromosome to Genghis Khan.
Adam: Our human male ancestor, father and grandfather of billions of humans who lived on Earth. Adam means "people" in Hebrew.
Eve: Our human female ancestor, mother and grandmother of billions of humans who lived on Earth.
King Solomon: Ethiopians believed he was their ancestor because the Ark of the Covenant was found there.
Haile Selasse: A former King of Ethiopia.
Garden of Eden: A place full of life's pleasantries.
Genographic project:
Thomas Jefferson: 3rd President of USA; fathered a child of his slave, Sally Hemmings. He may look European but his Y-chromosome tells the origin of his ancestors from ancient Phoenicia, now Lebanon and Syria.
Michelangelo: Painted Adam with black hair and muscular in the Vatican City. He looked Italian.
Critical Common Ancestor: He could be the father of men from many other countries.
M9 Mutation: A super ancestor. He lived about 40,000 years ago. He could be the forefather of half of all men alive. Not all men have the M9 mutation.
Pate Island: An island off East Africa. A genetic melting pot. Swab inside cheeks to obtain DNA samples.
M168: A genetic super ancestor from "Scientific Adam", to all men, including Genghis Khan and Thomas Jefferson. He was born about 16,000 years ago. Where and when did Adam live? What did he look like?
Bender: A forensic sculptor who was responsible for the reconstruction of Adam's face without his skull as evidence.
Hazabe tribe: Adam looked like the men of this tribe. Use facial reconstruction software with selected features to construct Adam's face from 16,000 years ago.
Mutations of Y-chromosome:
Adam: A modern man who could think as we do today. His lifestyle lives on in the Hazabe tribe. They hunt with bow and arrow and light fire by rubbing sticks. Adam was a Black African male who lived in East Africa. He had tight curly hair and thick lips. He had an oval-shaped face and skull.
National Geographic: DNA Mysteries: The Search for Adam
Adam: Our human male ancestor, father and grandfather of billions of humans who lived on Earth. Adam means "people" in Hebrew.
Eve: Our human female ancestor, mother and grandmother of billions of humans who lived on Earth.
King Solomon: Ethiopians believed he was their ancestor because the Ark of the Covenant was found there.
Haile Selasse: A former King of Ethiopia.
Garden of Eden: A place full of life's pleasantries.
Genographic project:
Thomas Jefferson: 3rd President of USA; fathered a child of his slave, Sally Hemmings. He may look European but his Y-chromosome tells the origin of his ancestors from ancient Phoenicia, now Lebanon and Syria.
Michelangelo: Painted Adam with black hair and muscular in the Vatican City. He looked Italian.
Critical Common Ancestor: He could be the father of men from many other countries.
M9 Mutation: A super ancestor. He lived about 40,000 years ago. He could be the forefather of half of all men alive. Not all men have the M9 mutation.
Pate Island: An island off East Africa. A genetic melting pot. Swab inside cheeks to obtain DNA samples.
M168: A genetic super ancestor from "Scientific Adam", to all men, including Genghis Khan and Thomas Jefferson. He was born about 16,000 years ago. Where and when did Adam live? What did he look like?
Bender: A forensic sculptor who was responsible for the reconstruction of Adam's face without his skull as evidence.
Hazabe tribe: Adam looked like the men of this tribe. Use facial reconstruction software with selected features to construct Adam's face from 16,000 years ago.
Mutations of Y-chromosome:
Adam: A modern man who could think as we do today. His lifestyle lives on in the Hazabe tribe. They hunt with bow and arrow and light fire by rubbing sticks. Adam was a Black African male who lived in East Africa. He had tight curly hair and thick lips. He had an oval-shaped face and skull.
National Geographic: DNA Mysteries: The Search for Adam
Genghis Khan,
Genographic Project,
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Thyroid Resources
These guidelines and the accompanying patient information sets may be downloaded from the ACB and BTA websites:
Society for Endocrinology
ATA Patient Information
ATA Frequently Asked Questions
UK Guidelines for the Use of Thyroid Function Test 2006
Thyroid Disease Manager
Spencer et al. Clin Chem 1995;41:367 /
Spencer, C.A., Young D.S., Pestaner, L.C. Functional sensitivity of immunometric assays of thyrotropin (TSH) and impact on reliability of measurement of subnormal concentrations. Clinical Chemistry. 1995 (41): 367
Klaus Zophel, Gerd Wunderlich and Jorg Kotzerke
Clinical Chemistry 52, No. 2, 2006: 329-330.
Ferdinand and Veldhuis
Serum Thyrotropin Profiles
Endocrine Reviews, October 2013, 34(5):619 – 657
Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Dyslipidemia in Upper Egyptian Epileptic Children on Carbamazepine Therapy. Hosny M.A. ElMasry(1), Amira M. M. Hamed(1), Mostafa Abd Elazeem H(1), Hashem A. Hassan(2)and Mohammad M. Abolfotouh(3). Department of Pediatrics(1), Neuropsychiatry(2) and Medical Biochemistry(3), Faculty of Medicine, Al Azhar University, Assiut, Egypt
New Reference Intervals for Thyrotropin and Thyroid Hormones Based on National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry Criteria and Regular Ultrasonography of the Thyroid. Juergen Kratzsch1,1,a, Georg Martin Fiedler1,1, Alexander Leichtle1, Matthias Brügel1, Susanne Buchbinder1, Lothar Otto3, Osama Sabri3, Gert Matthes2 and Joachim Thiery1.+ Author Affiliations: 1Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, 2 Institute of Transfusion Medicines, and 3 Clinics for Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Leipzig; Leipzig, Germany.
↵aAddress correspondence to this author at: Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, University Hospital Leipzig; Paul-List-Strasse 13-15, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany. Fax 49-341-9722249; e-mail
Published June 16, 2005.
doi: 10.1373/clinchem.2004.047399
Clinical Chemistry. August 2005 vol. 51 no. 8 1480-1486
Society for Endocrinology
ATA Patient Information
ATA Frequently Asked Questions
UK Guidelines for the Use of Thyroid Function Test 2006
Thyroid Disease Manager
Spencer et al. Clin Chem 1995;41:367 /
Spencer, C.A., Young D.S., Pestaner, L.C. Functional sensitivity of immunometric assays of thyrotropin (TSH) and impact on reliability of measurement of subnormal concentrations. Clinical Chemistry. 1995 (41): 367
Klaus Zophel, Gerd Wunderlich and Jorg Kotzerke
Clinical Chemistry 52, No. 2, 2006: 329-330.
Ferdinand and Veldhuis
Serum Thyrotropin Profiles
Endocrine Reviews, October 2013, 34(5):619 – 657
Subclinical Hypothyroidism and Dyslipidemia in Upper Egyptian Epileptic Children on Carbamazepine Therapy. Hosny M.A. ElMasry(1), Amira M. M. Hamed(1), Mostafa Abd Elazeem H(1), Hashem A. Hassan(2)and Mohammad M. Abolfotouh(3). Department of Pediatrics(1), Neuropsychiatry(2) and Medical Biochemistry(3), Faculty of Medicine, Al Azhar University, Assiut, Egypt
New Reference Intervals for Thyrotropin and Thyroid Hormones Based on National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry Criteria and Regular Ultrasonography of the Thyroid. Juergen Kratzsch1,1,a, Georg Martin Fiedler1,1, Alexander Leichtle1, Matthias Brügel1, Susanne Buchbinder1, Lothar Otto3, Osama Sabri3, Gert Matthes2 and Joachim Thiery1.+ Author Affiliations: 1Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, 2 Institute of Transfusion Medicines, and 3 Clinics for Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Leipzig; Leipzig, Germany.
↵aAddress correspondence to this author at: Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, University Hospital Leipzig; Paul-List-Strasse 13-15, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany. Fax 49-341-9722249; e-mail
Published June 16, 2005.
doi: 10.1373/clinchem.2004.047399
Clinical Chemistry. August 2005 vol. 51 no. 8 1480-1486
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Ikan Haruan
Ikan haruan is dogfish. It is a small black fish and looks quite ugly. The head looks like a snake's head and the body is short with a fish tail. The Malays eat this fish during maternity confinement and following any surgery or when they have wounds. They will not eat any other fish except ikan haruan. Even ikan belut (eel) or ikan keli (catfish) is not consumed as it is regarded as 'bisa' (poisonous). The dogfish is first cleaned as any other fish and then fried or boiled. The fish flakes are taken with milk, in order to mask the ugliness of the fish. The Malays think ikan haruan is good for healing internal injuries even though wounds may heal on the outside (skin).
ikan haruan (dogfish)
Monday, 18 November 2013
Pomegranate is buah delima (Malay) and al granada (Arabic). It is planted around the house, either in the front yard or backyard. It is the tree of choice at many mosques. It has tiny leaves on branches which have spikes or little sharp thorns. It grows on sandy soil with little water and prefers the hot sun. The fruits are small round green ones which ripen to big golden reddish fruits. One tree can easily produce many fruits. However, growing the tree needs skills and experience; sometimes the tree won't bear any fruit.
Are pomegranates of any use? Yes.
Pomegranates are prized for their juice and bitter skin. The fruits are crushed to obtain juice and bitter elements, which are good for heart disease. Many have tried taking pomegranate juice in their old age. There are success stories from many people.
How should pomegranate juice be consumed?
It is best to drink a cup of cold unsweetened pomegranate juice at breakfast. This is the first supply of vitamin C that the body gets. Then have breakfast and wash everything down with a cup of plain warm water.
Where can users buy the pomegranate?
Pomegranate can be bought at most supermarkets and fresh markets. They are available all year round.
Are pomegranates expensive items?
They may be quite expensive for the average-income earner. A big heavy pomegranate may cost RM10 or more. A case of pomegranates from a market in the outskirt of Makkah costs Rs25.
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Pomegranate plant |
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A big ripe pomegranate (buah delima, al granada) |
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Pomegranate cut into 2 halves |
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Commercial pomegranate juice |
Are pomegranates of any use? Yes.
Pomegranates are prized for their juice and bitter skin. The fruits are crushed to obtain juice and bitter elements, which are good for heart disease. Many have tried taking pomegranate juice in their old age. There are success stories from many people.
How should pomegranate juice be consumed?
It is best to drink a cup of cold unsweetened pomegranate juice at breakfast. This is the first supply of vitamin C that the body gets. Then have breakfast and wash everything down with a cup of plain warm water.
Where can users buy the pomegranate?
Pomegranate can be bought at most supermarkets and fresh markets. They are available all year round.
Are pomegranates expensive items?
They may be quite expensive for the average-income earner. A big heavy pomegranate may cost RM10 or more. A case of pomegranates from a market in the outskirt of Makkah costs Rs25.
Saturday, 16 November 2013
Dukung Anak
The garden weed Dukung Anak grows wild in poor soil, in cracked walls near drains, and at abandoned construction site refuse (waste disposal).
There are 2 varieties of the plant - green and reddish rusty (pokok jantan). The reddish rusty variety is used for treatment.
A few bunches of the entire reddish rusty plant is washed and then boiled. The water is then cooled and consumed. It is useful for liver infection and breast cancer.
For breast cancer, Chinese ladies (siblings) are known to consume the water daily till the nodules and breast cancer disappear altogether. No surgery was needed by any of the sisters.
For hepatitis A infection, it is consumed twice daily together with fresh goat's milk (not boiled). It cures hepatitis A infection within 2 weeks. Some consumed it together with an Indian herb such as a liver tonic (eg Jetepar). Even without intervention, the liver regenerates itself and hepatitis heals on its own accord within a month.
There are 2 varieties of the plant - green and reddish rusty (pokok jantan). The reddish rusty variety is used for treatment.
A few bunches of the entire reddish rusty plant is washed and then boiled. The water is then cooled and consumed. It is useful for liver infection and breast cancer.
For breast cancer, Chinese ladies (siblings) are known to consume the water daily till the nodules and breast cancer disappear altogether. No surgery was needed by any of the sisters.
For hepatitis A infection, it is consumed twice daily together with fresh goat's milk (not boiled). It cures hepatitis A infection within 2 weeks. Some consumed it together with an Indian herb such as a liver tonic (eg Jetepar). Even without intervention, the liver regenerates itself and hepatitis heals on its own accord within a month.
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Green variety |
breast cancer remedies,
dukung anak,
hepatitis A
The Mengkudu plant is a small tree with plenty of cone-shaped fruits that are green which ripen to a a smelly soft fruit. The green or yellow skin looks somewhat like that of the pineapple after the skin is removed. The Mengkudu fruit is harvested when unripe and still not smelly. They are boiled and mashed, then strained to obtain its bitter juice. The Malays traditionally use Mengkudu juice for controlling diabetes which is prevalent in the Malay community. Mengkudu juice is also available commercially as a concentrate.
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Biochemistry Training and Lab Results Interpretation
Google "biochemistry lab results interpretation" to get a list of websites that will help.
Be careful when looking at the protocol and data; some are for animals and not humans.
The medical laboratory technologists (MLTs) are trained by the institution or by other institutions. They perform the lab tests on automated clinical chemistry laboratory analyzers. While most clinical lab tests are performed on automated analyzers, some tests have to be performed manually.
All clinical lab tests have a Quality Control (QC) program and a Quality Assurance Program (QAP) for the lab (UK NEQAS and Australian RCPA-QAP).
Not all clinical labs perform all the lab tests listed below.
Not all clinical labs categorise their lab tests as shown below.
UK and Malaysian clinical labs report lab data in SI Units; USA labs still use old units.
Lab tests are grouped into panels by chemistry, organ, disease, or disease process:
The students of the Masters of Medicine (MMed) 4-year program have a basic MD or MBBS degree and at least 2 years work experience at a hospital before joining the program at the university. Topics covered in the MMed training covers some of the following:
QC and QA
Clinical Lab Management
Clinical Biochemistry (see 1-13 above)
Haematology and Coagulation
Adult Endocrinology
Pediatric Endocrinology
Metabolic Medicine
GI & Hepatology
Electives (Toxicology, Nutrition TPN, Genetics)
Hospital posting (field work)
The MMed trainees in Chemical Pathology are competent to interpret lab tests data. These include:
The clinicians who teach in the MMed program are university lecturers and they serve as laboratory consultants; they also supervise the general running of the clinical lab and are paid a 'critical allowance' for doing so. They have a basic MD/MBBS degree and a postgraduate degree (MSc/MPath/MMed) in Chemical Pathology. At present, none have a PhD degree or FRCPath. None are professors.
External links:
Cornell University
P. Pannall. Pitfalls in the Interpretation of Blood Chemistry Results. S. Afr. Med. J., 45, 1184 (1971).
Errors in Clinical Biochemistry (Nursing perspectives)
Lab Tests Online. American Association for Clinical Chemistry
Analytical and Interpretative Service (Biochemistry). 17 Sept 2012. Updated 14 Nov 2013. NHS UK
Interpretation of clinical laboratory tests (PowerPoint)
Study of Tissue Morphology by Electron Microscopy
Microwave Techniques for Electron Microscopy (Springer)
Ortho Molecular Nutrition & Wellness Center
Lab Info
Wikipedia -
Biochemia Medica. Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine
Interpreting Paediatric Biochemistry Results
Interpretation of Lab Test Profiles
Edward O. Uthman, MD; Diplomate, American Board of Pathology
Last update 6 Jan 2002. Copyright 1994-98
YouTube VIDEOS - Introduction to Lab Tests
YouTube VIDEOS - Blood Tests Interpretation
Fatty Liver -
YouTube VIDEOS - Venepuncture
Need a new video on venepuncture
YouTube VIDEOS - Lipids
YouTube VIDEOS - ABG Sampling
YouTube VIDEOS - Interpretation of ABG
YouTube VIDEOS - Acid & Base
YouTube VIDEOS - Electrolyte Imbalance
YouTube VIDEOS - Renal
Verras, P and Greaves, R. 2005. Abnormal laboratory results: Interpreting paediatric biochemistry results. Australian Prescriber, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 126-129.
RMIT University Research Bank
CG Fraser and Y Fogarty. 1989. Interpreting laboratory results. BMJ. 24 June; 298(6689): 1659-1660.
Clinical Biochemistry Residency Program. Information Booklet. June 2009
Oman Medical Specialty Board. Al Athaiba, Sultanate of Oman
Email: and
A Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory Training Module for Technicians
Dr Jagarati Jha
Dept of Biochemistry
SMS Hospital, Jaipur, India
Chemistry 422: Biochemistry Laboratory Manual
Mark Brandt, PhD
Third edition, January 2002
Dept of Chemistry and Biochemistry
California State University, Fullerton, California, USA
Introduction to Clinical Biochemistry: Interpreting Blood Results. 2011.
Dr. Graham Basten
Copyright Dr. Graham Basten & Ventus Publishing ApS
ISBN 978-87-7681-673-5
Download free books at
The LabAssist Report Made Simple
Copyright 2008 Lab Interpretation LLC
Carramar Education Courses
Carramar Consulting Pty Ltd
ABN 64 116 505 134
Unit 8, 220 Boundary Street
Spring Hill Qld 4000 Australia
Telephone: +61 7 3832 7727
Practical Clinical Biochemistry
Harold Varley
5th edition 1984
Clinical Biochemistry Principle and Practice.
Praful B. Godkar
Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry
2ne edition'1994
Micro Analysis in Medical Biochemistry
Editor, IDP Wooten
6th edition
Practical Biochemistry
RC Gupta
3rd edition 2004
Hawk's Physiological Chemistry
Editor, Osler
14th edition
Lecture Notes on Clinical Chemistry
Whitby, Robb and Smith
2nd edition
Clinical Biochemistry Illustrated
Allan Gaw
2nd edition 1999
Clinical Chemistry & Metabolic Medicine
7th Edition
Martin A. Crook
ISBN 0-340-90617-0
Hodder Arnold Publisher
Clinical Biochemistry, Metabolic and Clinical Aspects
1st Edition
William J. Marshall and Stephen K. Bangert
Churchill Livingstone Publisher
ISBN 0443-043418
Analytical Biochemistry
3rd Edition
David J. Holme and Hazel Peck
Prince Hall Publisher
ISBN 978-0-582-29438-7
Clinical Chemistry
Ken Lewandrowsky
ISBN 0683-30085-7
Basic QC Practices Manual
Be careful when looking at the protocol and data; some are for animals and not humans.
The medical laboratory technologists (MLTs) are trained by the institution or by other institutions. They perform the lab tests on automated clinical chemistry laboratory analyzers. While most clinical lab tests are performed on automated analyzers, some tests have to be performed manually.
All clinical lab tests have a Quality Control (QC) program and a Quality Assurance Program (QAP) for the lab (UK NEQAS and Australian RCPA-QAP).
Not all clinical labs perform all the lab tests listed below.
Not all clinical labs categorise their lab tests as shown below.
UK and Malaysian clinical labs report lab data in SI Units; USA labs still use old units.
Lab tests are grouped into panels by chemistry, organ, disease, or disease process:
- Electrolytes: Sodium, potassium, chloride
- Acid-base: Bicarbonate and anion gap, acid-base disturbances
- Renal: Urea and creatinine
- Minerals: Calcium (total and ionized), phosphate, magnesium
- Proteins: Total protein, albumin, globulins, A/G ratio, ammonia, uric acid, electrophoresis
- Carbohydrates: Glucose, fructosamine and glycosylated hemoglobin,
- Lipids: Triglycerides, cholesterol, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA)
- Ketones: β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB)
- Liver: Enzymes (ALT, AST, SDH, GLDH, LDH, ALP, GGT), bilirubin (total, indirect, direct), bile acids, ammonia
- Pancreas: Amylase, lipase
- Muscle enzymes: AST, CK, LDH
- Iron: Iron, total iron binding capacity, % saturation, ferritin
- Interference indexes: Lipemia, hemolysis, icterus
The students of the Masters of Medicine (MMed) 4-year program have a basic MD or MBBS degree and at least 2 years work experience at a hospital before joining the program at the university. Topics covered in the MMed training covers some of the following:
QC and QA
Clinical Lab Management
Clinical Biochemistry (see 1-13 above)
Haematology and Coagulation
Adult Endocrinology
Pediatric Endocrinology
Metabolic Medicine
GI & Hepatology
Electives (Toxicology, Nutrition TPN, Genetics)
Hospital posting (field work)
The MMed trainees in Chemical Pathology are competent to interpret lab tests data. These include:
- Calcium and metabolic bone disorders
- Diabetes mellitus: Plasma glucose, Glucose tolerance test (GTT), HbA1C
- Inherited metabolic disorders; Inborn Errors of Metabolism (IEM)
- Lipidology/Lipids: HDL, LDL cholesterol, Triglycerides, oxLDL
- Cardiovascular risk assessment/Heart attack markers: AST, LDH, Troponins, CKMB, Myoglobin, beta-type natriuretic peptide
- Nutrition
- Renal disease
- Thyroid disease: TRH, TSH, T3 and T4
- Liver disorder
- Tumour markers: Ca-125, Ca-119, Ca-153, oncogenes and specificity
- Arterial blood gases
The clinicians who teach in the MMed program are university lecturers and they serve as laboratory consultants; they also supervise the general running of the clinical lab and are paid a 'critical allowance' for doing so. They have a basic MD/MBBS degree and a postgraduate degree (MSc/MPath/MMed) in Chemical Pathology. At present, none have a PhD degree or FRCPath. None are professors.
External links:
Cornell University
P. Pannall. Pitfalls in the Interpretation of Blood Chemistry Results. S. Afr. Med. J., 45, 1184 (1971).
Errors in Clinical Biochemistry (Nursing perspectives)
Lab Tests Online. American Association for Clinical Chemistry
Analytical and Interpretative Service (Biochemistry). 17 Sept 2012. Updated 14 Nov 2013. NHS UK
Interpretation of clinical laboratory tests (PowerPoint)
Study of Tissue Morphology by Electron Microscopy
Microwave Techniques for Electron Microscopy (Springer)
Ortho Molecular Nutrition & Wellness Center
Lab Info
Wikipedia -
Biochemia Medica. Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine
Interpreting Paediatric Biochemistry Results
Interpretation of Lab Test Profiles
Edward O. Uthman, MD; Diplomate, American Board of Pathology
Last update 6 Jan 2002. Copyright 1994-98
YouTube VIDEOS - Introduction to Lab Tests
YouTube VIDEOS - Blood Tests Interpretation
Fatty Liver -
YouTube VIDEOS - Venepuncture
Need a new video on venepuncture
YouTube VIDEOS - Lipids
YouTube VIDEOS - ABG Sampling
YouTube VIDEOS - Interpretation of ABG
YouTube VIDEOS - Acid & Base
YouTube VIDEOS - Electrolyte Imbalance
YouTube VIDEOS - Renal
Verras, P and Greaves, R. 2005. Abnormal laboratory results: Interpreting paediatric biochemistry results. Australian Prescriber, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 126-129.
RMIT University Research Bank
CG Fraser and Y Fogarty. 1989. Interpreting laboratory results. BMJ. 24 June; 298(6689): 1659-1660.
Clinical Biochemistry Residency Program. Information Booklet. June 2009
Oman Medical Specialty Board. Al Athaiba, Sultanate of Oman
Email: and
A Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory Training Module for Technicians
Dr Jagarati Jha
Dept of Biochemistry
SMS Hospital, Jaipur, India
Chemistry 422: Biochemistry Laboratory Manual
Mark Brandt, PhD
Third edition, January 2002
Dept of Chemistry and Biochemistry
California State University, Fullerton, California, USA
Introduction to Clinical Biochemistry: Interpreting Blood Results. 2011.
Dr. Graham Basten
Copyright Dr. Graham Basten & Ventus Publishing ApS
ISBN 978-87-7681-673-5
Download free books at
The LabAssist Report Made Simple
Copyright 2008 Lab Interpretation LLC
Carramar Education Courses
Carramar Consulting Pty Ltd
ABN 64 116 505 134
Unit 8, 220 Boundary Street
Spring Hill Qld 4000 Australia
Telephone: +61 7 3832 7727
Practical Clinical Biochemistry
Harold Varley
5th edition 1984
Clinical Biochemistry Principle and Practice.
Praful B. Godkar
Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry
2ne edition'1994
Micro Analysis in Medical Biochemistry
Editor, IDP Wooten
6th edition
Practical Biochemistry
RC Gupta
3rd edition 2004
Hawk's Physiological Chemistry
Editor, Osler
14th edition
Lecture Notes on Clinical Chemistry
Whitby, Robb and Smith
2nd edition
Clinical Biochemistry Illustrated
Allan Gaw
2nd edition 1999
Clinical Chemistry & Metabolic Medicine
7th Edition
Martin A. Crook
ISBN 0-340-90617-0
Hodder Arnold Publisher
Clinical Biochemistry, Metabolic and Clinical Aspects
1st Edition
William J. Marshall and Stephen K. Bangert
Churchill Livingstone Publisher
ISBN 0443-043418
Analytical Biochemistry
3rd Edition
David J. Holme and Hazel Peck
Prince Hall Publisher
ISBN 978-0-582-29438-7
Clinical Chemistry
Ken Lewandrowsky
ISBN 0683-30085-7
Basic QC Practices Manual
Monday, 11 November 2013
Removing gallstones naturally
Natural & Safe Method Of Removing Gallstones Without Surgery – 6-Day Method by Dr Lai Chiu-Nan
Gallstones may not be everyone’s concern but may lead to cancer. We all have them (big or small, many or few). “Cancer is never the 1st illness. There are a lot of other problems leading to cancer. I came across some materials stating that people with cancer usually had stones,” said Dr Lee of China.
One symptom of gallstones is a feeling of bloatedness after a heavy meal as if you can’t digest the food. If it gets more serious, you feel pain in the liver area.”
Dr Lee offers the apple juice treatment which is good for those with a weak liver. Liver and gallbladder are closely linked.
1) Drink 1 glass (250ml) 100% apple juice 4 times a day for 5 days. 1 glass at breakfast, 1 glass at lunch, 1 glass at dinner & 1 glass before going to bed. It softens the gallstones. Eat normally.
2) On the 6th day, skip dinner. At 6pm, take a teaspoon of Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) with a glass of warm water. At 8 PM, repeat the same for purging purpose. It helps to flush out all solid stuff. It also opens the gallbladder ducts. At 10 PM, drink half a glass of olive oil mixed with half a glass of lemon juice. The oil lubricates the stones to ease their passage. Lemon juice helps to extract the stones out from gallbladder ducts.
Please also Google 'Gallstelax Remedy' to obtain natural ways of removing gallstones.
Facebook: Daily Health Tips -
External links:
Gallstones - Natural treatments
Dr Judy Seeger - How to do a simple gallbladder diet
14 Foods that cleanse the liver
Liver and gallbladder cleanse gallstones
Gallstelax Remedy,
Monday, 28 October 2013
Cleaning the Liver and Gallbladder
Gallstones can form anywhere in the body, mainly in the liver and gallbladder. Gallstones in the gallbladder are often detected via abdominal ultrasound. However, intrahepatic stones or gallstones in the hepatic biliary duct (liver stones) are often undetected and undiagnosed. They are the culprit of many modern day diseases that we see today. The liver function tests (LFT) may appear normal even though the failing liver is heavily congested with fats and gallstones. Fatty liver is a manifestation of a congested liver and needs cleansing if the liver is to continue to serve as a detox organ. Othwerwise, we die faster due to liver failure.
Weight loss and not eating for long periods are a leading cause for liver stones (intrahepatic gallstones).
There are many ways to clean the liver and gallbladder naturally. Dr Eden offers the Pulverexx Protocol. Andreas Moritz offers a book on how to DIY flush (cleanse) the liver and gallbladder of toxins, based on Ayyurveda. Both procedures will revitalise the liver and give a better quality of life (QOL).
External links
Moritz A.. The Amazing Liver And Gallbladder Flush, (2005), p. 20
Weight loss and not eating for long periods are a leading cause for liver stones (intrahepatic gallstones).
There are many ways to clean the liver and gallbladder naturally. Dr Eden offers the Pulverexx Protocol. Andreas Moritz offers a book on how to DIY flush (cleanse) the liver and gallbladder of toxins, based on Ayyurveda. Both procedures will revitalise the liver and give a better quality of life (QOL).
External links
Moritz A.. The Amazing Liver And Gallbladder Flush, (2005), p. 20
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal)
Cholecystectomy is the surgical removal of the gallbladder. It is a common treatment of symptomatic gallstones and other gallbladder conditions. Surgical options include the standard procedure, called laparoscopic cholecystectomy, and an older more invasive procedure, called open cholecystectomy.
Indications for cholecystectomy include inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), biliary colic, risk factors for gallbladder cancer, and pancreatitis caused by gallstones.
Cholecystectomy is the recommended treatment the first time a person is admitted to hospital for cholecystitis.
Cholecystitis may be acute or chronic, and may or may not involve the presence of gallstones.
Risk factors for gallbladder cancer include a "porcelain gallbladder," or calcium deposits in the wall of the gallbladder, and an abnormal pancreatic duct.
Cholecystectomy can prevent the relapse of pancreatitis that is caused by gallstones that block the common bile duct.
Laparoscopic surgery
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has now replaced open cholecystectomy as the first-choice of treatment for gallstones and inflammation of the gallbladder unless there are contraindications to the laparoscopic approach. This is because open surgery leaves the patient more prone to infection. Sometimes, a laparoscopic cholecystectomy will be converted to an open cholecystectomy for technical reasons or safety.
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy requires 4 small incisions in the abdomen to allow the insertion of operating ports, small cylindrical tubes approximately 5 to 10 mm in diameter, through which surgical instruments and a video camera are placed into the abdominal cavity. The camera illuminates the surgical field and sends a magnified image from inside the body to a video monitor, giving the surgeon a close-up view of the organs and tissues. The surgeon watches the monitor and performs the operation by manipulating the surgical instruments through the operating ports.
To begin the operation, the patient is placed in the supine position on the operating table and anesthetized. A scalpel is used to make a small incision at the umbilicus. Using either a Veress needle or Hasson technique, the abdominal cavity is entered. The surgeon inflates the abdominal cavity with carbon dioxide (CO2 gas) to create a working space. The camera is placed through the umbilical port and the abdominal cavity is inspected. Additional ports are opened inferior to the ribs at the epigastric, midclavicular, and anterior axillary positions. The gallbladder fundus is identified, grasped, and retracted superiorly. With a second grasper, the gallbladder infundibulum is retracted laterally to expose and open Calot's Triangle (cystic artery, cystic duct, and common hepatic duct). The triangle is gently dissected to clear the peritoneal covering and obtain a view of the underlying structures. The cystic duct and the cystic artery are identified, clipped with tiny titanium clips and cut. Then the gallbladder is dissected away from the liver bed and removed through one of the ports. This type of surgery requires meticulous surgical skill, but in straightforward cases, it can be done in about an hour.
Recently, this procedure is performed through a single incision in the patient's umbilicus. This advanced technique is called Laparoendoscopic Single Site Surgery or "LESS" or Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery or "SILS". In this procedure, instead of making 3-4 four small different cuts (incisions), a single cut (incision) is made through the navel (umbilicus). Through this cut, specialized rotaculating instruments (straight instruments which can be bent once inside the tummy) are inserted to do the operation. The advantage of LESS / SILS operation is that the number of cuts are further reduced to one and this cut is also not visible after the operation is done as it is hidden inside the navel. A meta-analysis published by Pankaj Garg et al comparing conventional laparoscopic cholecystecomy to SILS Cholecystectomy demonstrated that SILS does have a cosmetic benefit over convention four-hole laparoscopic cholecystectomy while having no advantage in postoperative pain and hospital stay.
Procedural risks and complications
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy does not require the abdominal muscles to be cut, resulting in less pain, quicker healing, improved cosmetic results, and fewer complications such as infection and adhesions. Most patients can be discharged on the same or following day as the surgery, and can return to any type of occupation in about a week. Furthermore, flexible instruments are being used in laparoscopic surgery by some surgeons. Using the SPIDER surgical system, they can perform the cholecystectomy through a single incision through the navel. These patients often recover faster than traditional methods, and have an almost invisible scar.
Abdominal peritoneal adhesions, gangrenous gallbladders, and other problems that obscure vision are discovered during about 5% of laparoscopic surgeries, forcing surgeons to switch to the standard cholecystectomy for safe removal of the gallbladder. Adhesions and gangrene can be serious, but converting to open surgery does not equate to a complication.
A Consensus Development Conference panel, convened by the National Institutes of Health in September 1992, endorsed laparoscopic cholecystectomy as a safe and effective surgical treatment for gallbladder removal, equal in efficacy to the traditional open surgery. The panel noted, however, that laparoscopic cholecystectomy should be performed only by experienced surgeons and only on patients who have symptoms of gallstones.
In addition, the panel noted that the outcome of laparoscopic cholecystectomy is greatly influenced by the training, experience, skill, and judgment of the surgeon performing the procedure. Therefore, the panel recommended that strict guidelines be developed for training and granting credentials in laparoscopic surgery, determining competence, and monitoring quality. According to the panel, efforts should continue toward developing a noninvasive approach to gallstone treatment that will not only eliminate existing stones, but also prevent their formation or recurrence.
Injury of common bile duct
An uncommon but potentially serious complication is injury to the common bile duct, which connects the cystic and common hepatic ducts to the duodenum. An injured bile duct can leak bile and cause a painful and potentially dangerous infection. Many cases of minor injury to the common bile duct can be managed non-surgically. Major injury to the bile duct, however, is a very serious problem and may require corrective surgery. This surgery should be performed by an experienced biliary surgeon.
Post-op biliary leak
One common complication of cholecystectomy is inadvertent injury to analogous bile ducts known as Ducts of Luschka, occurring in 33% of the population. It is non-problematic until the gallbladder is removed, and the tiny supravesicular ducts may be incompletely cauterized or remain unobserved, leading to biliary leak post-operatively. The patient will develop biliary peritonitis within 5 to 7 days following surgery, and will require a temporary biliary stent. It is important that the clinician recognize the possibility of bile peritonitis early and confirm diagnosis via HIDA scan to lower morbidity rate. Aggressive pain management and antibiotic therapy should be initiated as soon as diagnosed.
Gallbladder perforation
During laparoscopic cholecystectomy, gallbladder perforation can occur due to excessive traction during retraction or during dissection from the liver bed. It can also occur during extraction from the abdomen. Infected bile, pigment gallstones, male gender, advanced age, perihepatic location of spilled gallstones, more than 15 gallstones and an average size greater than 1.5 cm have been identified as risk factors for complications. Spilled gallstones can be a diagnostic challenge and can cause significant morbidity to the patient. Clear documentation of spillage and explanation to the patient is of utmost importance, as this will enable prompt recognition and treatment of any complications. Prevention of spillage is the best policy.
After removal, the gallbladder should be sent for pathological examination to confirm the diagnosis and look for an incidental cancer. If cancer is present, a reoperation to remove part of the liver and lymph nodes will be required in most cases.
Long-term prognosis
A minority of the population, from 5% to 40%, develop a condition called postcholecystectomy syndrome, or PCS. Symptoms can include gastrointestinal distress and persistent pain in the upper right abdomen.
As many as 20% of patients develop chronic diarrhea. The cause is unclear, but is presumed to involve the disturbance to the bile system. Most cases clear up within weeks or a few months, though in rare cases the condition may last for many years. It can be controlled with medication such as cholestyramine.
The most serious complication of cholecystectomy is damage to the common bile duct. This occurs in about 0.25% of cases. Damage to the duct that causes leakage typically manifests as fever, jaundice, and abdominal pain several days following cholecystectomy. A lacerated, leaky bile duct may be repaired through a procedure called ERCP, or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.
Another complication is when the gallstone is too large to be removed through the large 2-cm incision below the navel. The gallstone needs to be crushed a bit before removal. When this is done, there is tendency for bile leakage. Leaked bile can be an irritant.
About 600,000 people receive a cholecystectomy in the United States each year.
External links
Wikipedia: "Cholecystectomy."
USC Surgery: "Laparoscopic cholecystectomy."
WebMD: "Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery for gallstones."
WebMD: Types of surgery to remove the gallbladder."
Anatomyguy: "Laparoscopic cholecystectomy."
Dr Gamagami: "Laparoscopic Cholescystectomy".
Carolina Surgical: "Gallbladder removal".
Pressreleasepoint: "Do you suffer gallstone - Learn-about-natural-treatment."" Gallbladder-symptoms." gallstones
Gallstones - A guide for pateints, Part 1 - recommendations for surgery
Gallstones - A guide for patients, Part 2 - tells about ERCP, care of wounds and how to bathe after surgery
Laparoscopic cholescystectomy - animation
Gallbladder removal - Patient education
Biochemistry Textbooks
I have always been a biochemistry student, facilitator and lecturer. I have taught medical biochemistry since June 1982; this is my 31st year teaching my favourite subject. There is a big difference between what is needed in pure biochemistry and medical biochemistry. Pure biochemistry requires a good knowledge of basic and applied chemistry. Medical biochemistry requires a good knowledge of applications of biochemical and chemical pathology knowledge in clinical cases.
The way biochemistry is heading, students will need to know quite a lot of biochemistry methods and basic & applied knowledge to be able to appreciate the complexity of depth of knowledge we have today about our own bodies and what goes on inside us. That's makes it very interesting when we have access to good books.
I would always suggest students to read up whenever they come across a case that they know little about. It is very gratifying to be able to understand a case at hand fully when they is sufficient material to read, comprehend and explore more. Nothing is ever complete and studying a case is like that.
Textbooks only fill a part of basic reading we need to know. Higher reading materials are those produced by specialised research groups and institutes. These are published as articles in scientific journals and monographs. It will be good to always be on the lookout for developments in any research area and try to understand issues and challenges as and when they are published.
Even though we don't read textbooks once we enter into the workforce, I still think they are necessary once in a while. They are needed to see what the new developments are. We should be reminded that what goes into textbooks have been out there for at least 10 years. So textbooks are backward in this regard. Nevertheless, we need them to teach our students. They will in turn need to turn to journals and more recent research book publications to find out more about recent development and updates.
The language used in the textbooks sometimes confuse students. Here in Malaysia we use British English or UK English spellings and measures. US textbooks use US spellings and measures. I often tell the students the differences so that they are aware.
I noticed that it is easier to read textbooks written in US English as the sentence structure is straight forward. I noticed that textbooks written in UK English are harder to read and comprehend as the sentence structure is not so straight forward. I have seen Stryer written in Korean script. I have seen Biochemistry written in Malaysian Malay. The diagrams matter most when I don't understand the text when it is written in languages other than English.
The following are some of the books I have used and/or evaluated for teaching medical biochemistry to our first year medical and dental students at our medical school. I evaluate books for class use and suggest to students in class or here at my blog. Some are new books. I will add more when they come to my desk and attention.
Title: Basic Medical Biochemistry: A clinical approach.
Author: Dawn B. Marks, Allan D. Marks, Colleen M. Smith
Publisher: Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia
Textbook: International Edition, 1996
ISBN: 0-683-05595-X
Language: US English
Purchase date: May 1997 (softcover)
Title: Essential Biochemistry
Author: Pratt
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Year: 2014
ISBN: 1118083504
Complimentary copy was sent from Singapore office for evaluation (hardcover; 27 Oct 2013)
TEL. 65 66438000 (MAIN)
TEL. 65 66438333 (CSD HOTLINE)
FAX. 65 66438397
The way biochemistry is heading, students will need to know quite a lot of biochemistry methods and basic & applied knowledge to be able to appreciate the complexity of depth of knowledge we have today about our own bodies and what goes on inside us. That's makes it very interesting when we have access to good books.
I would always suggest students to read up whenever they come across a case that they know little about. It is very gratifying to be able to understand a case at hand fully when they is sufficient material to read, comprehend and explore more. Nothing is ever complete and studying a case is like that.
Textbooks only fill a part of basic reading we need to know. Higher reading materials are those produced by specialised research groups and institutes. These are published as articles in scientific journals and monographs. It will be good to always be on the lookout for developments in any research area and try to understand issues and challenges as and when they are published.
Even though we don't read textbooks once we enter into the workforce, I still think they are necessary once in a while. They are needed to see what the new developments are. We should be reminded that what goes into textbooks have been out there for at least 10 years. So textbooks are backward in this regard. Nevertheless, we need them to teach our students. They will in turn need to turn to journals and more recent research book publications to find out more about recent development and updates.
The language used in the textbooks sometimes confuse students. Here in Malaysia we use British English or UK English spellings and measures. US textbooks use US spellings and measures. I often tell the students the differences so that they are aware.
I noticed that it is easier to read textbooks written in US English as the sentence structure is straight forward. I noticed that textbooks written in UK English are harder to read and comprehend as the sentence structure is not so straight forward. I have seen Stryer written in Korean script. I have seen Biochemistry written in Malaysian Malay. The diagrams matter most when I don't understand the text when it is written in languages other than English.
The following are some of the books I have used and/or evaluated for teaching medical biochemistry to our first year medical and dental students at our medical school. I evaluate books for class use and suggest to students in class or here at my blog. Some are new books. I will add more when they come to my desk and attention.
Title: Basic Medical Biochemistry: A clinical approach.
Author: Dawn B. Marks, Allan D. Marks, Colleen M. Smith
Publisher: Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia
Textbook: International Edition, 1996
ISBN: 0-683-05595-X
Language: US English
Purchase date: May 1997 (softcover)
- 2-tone texts, diagrams, titles and highlights (black and green).
- Two-part layout with a bigger column for text and a side column for additional texts, diagrams, reaction pathways, definitions, or cases.
- Well-drawn, clear simplified, annotated diagrams with bold and light texts.
- The cases are laid out differently; they are introduced in one chapter and completed in other chapters; it is easy to lose track of the cases. To put an entire case together means flipping through several pages.
- Each chapter opens with the scope that will be covered.
- Easy to read for first year students.
Title: Essential Biochemistry
Author: Pratt
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Year: 2014
ISBN: 1118083504
Complimentary copy was sent from Singapore office for evaluation (hardcover; 27 Oct 2013)
TEL. 65 66438000 (MAIN)
TEL. 65 66438333 (CSD HOTLINE)
FAX. 65 66438397
- This is a good book if you need more recent structures on many biochemical compounds.
- Many of the diagrams feature 3D structures which were obtained from research labs
- Colourful iStock photos appear at the start of each chapter
- Colourful diagrams in most chapters
- Very detailed mechanisms in some parts especially on nucleic acids and cell signalling
- Detailed calculations for many reactions
- Clinical correlates appear at the end of each chapter or section
- More updated clinical information compared to many textbooks
Sunday, 27 October 2013
Hypertension (HTN) or high blood pressure, sometimes called arterial hypertension, is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated. This requires the heart to work harder than normal to circulate blood through the blood vessels.
Blood pressure is summarised by two measurements, systolic and diastolic, which depend on whether the heart muscle is contracting (systole) or relaxed between beats (diastole) and equate to a maximum and minimum pressure, respectively. Normal blood pressure at rest is within the range of 100-140mmHg systolic (top reading) and 60-90mmHg diastolic (bottom reading). High blood pressure is said to be present if it is persistently at or above 140/90 mmHg.
Hypertension is classified as either primary (essential) hypertension or secondary hypertension; about 90–95% of cases are categorized as "primary hypertension" which means high blood pressure with no obvious underlying medical cause. The remaining 5–10% of cases (secondary hypertension) are caused by other conditions that affect the kidneys, arteries, heart or endocrine system.
Hypertension is a major risk factor for stroke, myocardial infarction (heart attacks), heart failure, aneurysms of the arteries (e.g. aortic aneurysm), peripheral arterial disease and is a cause of chronic kidney disease. Even moderate elevation of arterial blood pressure is associated with a shortened life expectancy.
Dietary and lifestyle changes can improve blood pressure control and decrease the risk of associated health complications, although drug treatment is often necessary in people for whom lifestyle changes are not enough or not effective.
Case 1
Case 2 (after 2 weeks)
External links
Blood pressure is summarised by two measurements, systolic and diastolic, which depend on whether the heart muscle is contracting (systole) or relaxed between beats (diastole) and equate to a maximum and minimum pressure, respectively. Normal blood pressure at rest is within the range of 100-140mmHg systolic (top reading) and 60-90mmHg diastolic (bottom reading). High blood pressure is said to be present if it is persistently at or above 140/90 mmHg.
Hypertension is classified as either primary (essential) hypertension or secondary hypertension; about 90–95% of cases are categorized as "primary hypertension" which means high blood pressure with no obvious underlying medical cause. The remaining 5–10% of cases (secondary hypertension) are caused by other conditions that affect the kidneys, arteries, heart or endocrine system.
Hypertension is a major risk factor for stroke, myocardial infarction (heart attacks), heart failure, aneurysms of the arteries (e.g. aortic aneurysm), peripheral arterial disease and is a cause of chronic kidney disease. Even moderate elevation of arterial blood pressure is associated with a shortened life expectancy.
Dietary and lifestyle changes can improve blood pressure control and decrease the risk of associated health complications, although drug treatment is often necessary in people for whom lifestyle changes are not enough or not effective.
Case 1
Age: 55 years
Gender: Female
Weight: 75kg
Height: 153cm
BMI: 32kg/m2 (obese)
BP: 153/104 mmHg
Pulse: 102 bpm
BP: 153/104 mmHg
Pulse: 102 bpm
![]() |
BP: 153/104mmHg and Pulse 102/min |
![]() |
Anti-hypertensive drug: Twynsta 80mg/10mg Telmisartan/Amlodipine |
Case 2 (after 2 weeks)
Age: 55 years
Gender: Female
Weight: 73.0kg
Height: 153cm
BMI: 31kg/m2 (obese)
BP: 123/80 mmHg
Pulse: 79 bpm
BP: 123/80 mmHg
Pulse: 79 bpm
External links
Hepatitis A
Synonym: infectious hepatitis
Hepatitis A virus (HAV)
HAV is a picornavirus
Review (original in German)
The virus responsible for hepatitis A--hepatitis A virus (HAV)--is a small, spherical, and exceptionally resistant RNA-virus. It is transmitted preferentially by the faecal-oral route and apparently replicates exclusively in the liver. The damage of the liver ensuing from HAV infection most likely does not stem directly from virus replication but is the result of an interaction of cell mediated virus-specific immunity with infected hepatocytes. Infection is usually self limiting, yet, in individual cases may also take a protracted and even relapsing course. True chronic infections, however, are not observed. HAV has a world-wide distribution. In countries where inadequate sanitary conditions prevail, the virus persists in the environment and almost 100% of the population acquires infection in childhood. At that age, infection causes no or only minimal clinical symptoms. Infected individuals nevertheless develop protective, long lasting immunity, probably persisting for entire life. In developed, industrialized countries HAV has ceased to circulate in the environment and the general population. Here, infections predominantly occur in adults travelling to endemic areas or exposed at home to thus infected individuals or members of high risk groups (e.g. children in day care centres, i.v. drug users). With increasing age infections become more and more clinically manifest and at and beyond of adolescence more than 80% of patients develop icteric, in some cases even fulminant and fatal hepatitis. Acute hepatitis A infection can be diagnosed by demonstrating the presence of anti-HAV-IgM antibodies. Immunity following either infection or successful vaccination is assessed by measuring anti-HAV-IgG. Preventive measures rely on strict personal and alimentary hygiene as well as on vaccination with inactivated (killed) hepatitis A vaccines. These vaccines are safe, highly immunogenetic and induce long lasting (> 20 years) protection against hepatitis A. Specific antiviral therapy is not yet available.
Hepatitis A (formerly known as infectious hepatitis) is an acute infectious disease of the liver. It is caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). The HAV is an RNA virus. It is usually spread by the fecal-oral route. It can be transmitted person-to-person by ingestion of contaminated food or water. It can be contracted through direct contact with an infectious person.
Tens of millions of individuals worldwide are estimated to become infected with HAV each year. The time between infection and the appearance of the symptoms (the incubation period) is between two and six weeks and the average incubation period is 28 days.
In developing countries, and in regions with poor standards of hygiene, the incidence of infection with HAV is high. The illness is usually contracted in early childhood. As incomes rise and access to clean water increases, the incidence of HAV decreases. Hepatitis A infection causes no clinical signs and symptoms in over 90% of infected children. The infection confers lifelong immunity. The disease is of no special significance to those infected early in life.
In more developed countries, in Europe, the USA and other industrialized countries, the infection is contracted primarily by susceptible young adults. Most of whom are infected with the virus during trips to countries with a high incidence of the disease. They can also contract HAV through contact with infectious persons.
HAV infection produces a self-limited disease that does not result in chronic infection or chronic liver disease. However, 10–15% of patients might experience a relapse of symptoms during the 6 months after acute illness.
Acute liver failure from Hepatitis A is rare (overall case-fatality rate: 0.5%). The risk for symptomatic infection is directly related to age, with more than 80% of adults having symptoms compatible with acute viral hepatitis and the majority of children having either asymptomatic or unrecognized infection. Antibody produced in response to HAV infection persists for life and confers protection against reinfection. The disease can be prevented by vaccination. Hepatitis A vaccines have been proven effective in controlling outbreaks worldwide.
Signs and symptoms
Early symptoms of hepatitis A infection can be mistaken for influenza. Some sufferers, especially children, exhibit no symptoms at all. Symptoms typically appear 2 to 6 weeks (the incubation period) after the initial infection.
Symptoms usually last less than 2 months, although some people can be ill for as long as 6 months:
Following ingestion, HAV enters the bloodstream through the epithelium of the oropharynx or intestine. The blood carries the virus to its target, the liver, where it multiplies within hepatocytes (liver cells) and Kupffer cells (liver macrophages).
Virions are secreted into the bile (hempedu) and released in stool. HAV is excreted in large quantities approximately 11 days prior to appearance of symptoms or anti-HAV IgM antibodies in the blood.
The incubation period is 15–50 days and mortality is less than 0.5%. Within the liver hepatocytes the RNA genome is released from the protein coat and is translated by the cell's own ribosomes.
Unlike other members of the Picornaviruses this virus requires an intact eukaryote initiating factor 4G (eIF4G) for the initiation of translation. The requirement for this factor results in an inability to shut down host protein synthesis unlike other picornaviruses.
The virus must then inefficiently compete for the cellular translational machinery which may explain its poor growth in cell culture. Presumably for this reason the virus has strategically adopted a naturally highly deoptimized codon usage with respect to that of its cellular host. Precisely how this strategy works is not quite clear yet.
There is no apparent virus-mediated cytotoxicity presumably because of the virus' own requirement for an intact eIF4G and liver pathology is likely immune-mediated.
The Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is a Picornavirus; it is non-enveloped and contains a single-stranded RNA packaged in a protein shell. There is only one serotype of the virus, but multiple genotypes exist. Codon use within the genome is biased and unusually distinct from its host. It also has a poor internal ribosome entry site. In the region that codes for the HAV capsid, there are highly conserved clusters of rare codons that restrict antigenic variability.
The virus spreads by the fecal-oral route. Infections often occur in conditions of poor sanitation and overcrowding. Hepatitis A can be transmitted by the parenteral route but very rarely by blood and blood products.
Food-borne outbreaks are not uncommon. Ingestion of shellfish cultivated in polluted water is associated with a high risk of infection. Approximately 40% of all acute viral hepatitis is caused by HAV.
Infected individuals are infectious prior to onset of symptoms, roughly 10 days following infection.
The virus is resistant to detergent, acid (pH 1), solvents (e.g., ether, chloroform), drying, and temperatures up to 60 °C. It can survive for months in fresh and salt water.
Common-source (e.g., water, restaurant) outbreaks are typical.
Infection is common in children in developing countries, reaching 100% incidence, but following infection there is lifelong immunity.
HAV can be inactivated by: chlorine treatment (drinking water), formalin (0.35%, 37 °C, 72 hours), peracetic acid (2%, 4 hours), beta-propiolactone (0.25%, 1-hour), and UV radiation (2 μW/cm2/min).
(i) Serum IgG and IgM
Two antibodies are used to detect HAV infection, HAV-specific IgM and HAV-specific IgG. Antibodies to HAV (anti-HAV) in the blood are a marker of past or current infection.
The presence of IgG antibody in the blood means that the acute stage of the illness is past and the person is immune to further infection. IgG antibody to HAV is also found in the blood following vaccination and tests for immunity to the virus are based on the detection of this antibody.
(ii) Hepatitis serological panel
Serological markers of acute hepatitis: HBsAg, HBcIgM, anti-HCV, HEV-IgM, and HAV-IgM.
Serological markers of chronic hepatitis: HBsAg, HBcIgG, HBeAg, and anti-HCV.
(iii) Serum ALT
During the acute stage of the infection, the liver enzyme alanine transferase (ALT) is present in the blood at levels much higher than is normal. The enzyme comes from the liver cells (hepatocytes) that have been damaged by the virus.
(iv) EM: Presence of HAV particles in blood and faeces
HAV is present in blood and faeces. It can be detected by electron microscopy (EM).
Hepatitis A virus is present in the blood (viremia) and faeces of infected people up to two weeks before clinical illness develops.
Hepatitis A can be prevented by vaccination, good hygiene and sanitation.
For information about the vaccine, its properties, and its application, see Hepatitis A vaccine.
There are two types of vaccines: one containing inactivated hepatitis A virus, and another containing a live but attenuated virus.
Both provide active immunity against a future infection.
The vaccine protects against HAV in more than 95% of cases for longer than 25 years.
In the USA the vaccine was first phased in 1996 for children in high-risk areas, and in 1999 it was spread to areas with elevating levels of infection.
The vaccine is given by injection.
An initial dose provides protection starting two to four weeks after vaccination; the second booster dose, given six to twelve months later, provides protection for over twenty years.
Vaccination programmes
The vaccine was introduced in 1992 and was initially recommended for persons at high risk.
Since then Bahrain and Israel have embarked on eradication programmes.
Australia, China, Belarus, Italy, Spain and the USA have started similar programmes.
The incidence of hepatitis A where widespread vaccination has been practised has decreased dramatically.
In China and the USA the incidence of hepatitis A has decreased by 90% since 1990.
There is no specific treatment for hepatitis A.
(i) The normal doctors' advice
Sufferers are advised to rest, avoid fatty foods and alcohol (these may be poorly tolerated for some additional months during the recovery phase and cause minor relapses), eat a well-balanced diet, and stay hydrated.
(ii) Traditional Malay advice
In the Malay World, the elderly will advise to take fresh goat's milk with infusion of the dukung anak plant. These are taken twice a day. This clears HAV infection within 2 weeks (as opposed to 1 month in the usual course of HAV clearance). The dukung anak plant is a common garden weed.
The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1991 reported a low mortality rate for hepatitis A of 4 deaths per 1000 cases for the general population but a higher rate of 17.5 per 1000 in those aged 50 and over.
The risk of death from acute liver failure following HAV infection increases with age and when the person has underlying chronic liver disease.
Young children that are infected with hepatitis A typically have a milder form of the disease, usually lasting from 1–3 weeks, whereas adults tend to experience a much more severe form of the disease.
High-income regions (Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United States, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Singapore) have very low HAV endemicity levels and a high proportion of susceptible adults.
Low-income regions (sub-Saharan Africa and parts of South Asia) have high endemicity levels and almost no susceptible adolescents and adults.
Most middle-income regions have a mix of intermediate and low endemicity levels.
Anti-HAV prevalence suggest that middle-income regions in Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East currently had an intermediate or low level of endemicity in 2005. The countries in these regions may have an increasing burden of disease from hepatitis A.
Globally, in 2010, acute hepatitis A resulted in 102,000 deaths which is slightly up from 99,000 in 1990.
There were 30,000 cases of Hepatitis A reported to the CDC in the U.S. in 1997. There were as many as 270,000 cases each year from 1980 through 2000.
Approximately one third of the US population has been infected by hepatitis A, most of whom go undiagnosed.
Only one serotype and seven different genetic groups (four humans and three simian) have been described.
The human genotypes are numbered I-III. Six subtypes have been described (IA, IB, IIA, IIB, IIIA, IIIB).
The simian (monkey) genotypes have been numbered IV-VI.
A single isolate of genotype VII isolated from a human has also been described.
Genotype III has been isolated from both humans and owl monkeys.
Most human isolates are of genotype I. Of the type I isolates subtype IA accounts for the majority. The mutation rate in the genome has been estimated to be 1.73 - 9.76 x 10−4 nucleotide substitution per site per year.
(i) USA - tainted green onions
The most widespread hepatitis A outbreak in the 2003 United States hepatitis outbreak afflicted at least 640 people (killing four) in north-eastern Ohio and south-western Pennsylvania in late 2003. The outbreak was blamed on tainted green onions at a restaurant in Monaca, Pennsylvania.
(ii) USA - recall of frozen berries
In June 2013, frozen berries sold by US retailer Costco and purchased by around 240,000 people were the subject of a recall, after at least 158 people were infected with HAV, 69 of whom were hospitalized.
(iii) China - contaminated river clams
In 1988, more than 300,000 people in Shanghai, China were infected with HAV after eating clams (Anadara subcrenata) from a contaminated river.
(iv) Italy
During the period 1985-1994, 25553 viral hepatitis cases were reported. Of these, 6408 (25%) were due to hepatitis A (HAV).
(v) Brazil
The prevalence of hepatitis A varies greatly in different Brazilian regions, from 56% in South and Southeast to 93% in North region (Manaus, Amazon). Such differences are also found in different socioeconomic levels among age groups.
(vi) India
Hepatitis A (HAV) is endemic in India and most of the population is infected asymptomatically in early childhood with lifelong immunity. Because of altered epidemiology and decreasing endemicity, the pattern of acute HAV infection is changing from asymptomatic childhood infection to an increased incidence of symptomatic disease in the 18-40 age group. Sera collected from 3495 patients with acute (1932) and chronic (1563) liver disease attending the Medical Outpatient Department of Lok Nayak Hospital during the previous five years (1999-2003) were tested for various serological markers of acute (HBsAg, HBcIgM, anti-HCV, HEV-IgM, and HAV-IgM) and chronic (HBsAg, HBcIgG, HBeAg, and anti-HCV) hepatitis. In addition, 500 normal healthy attendants of the patients above the age of 15 years were tested for IgG anti-HAV as controls. Of 1932 patients with acute viral hepatitis, 221 (11.4%) were positive for immunoglobulin M (IgM) anti-HAV. The patients who were IgM anti-HAV negative included hepatitis B (321 patients), C (39 patients), E (507 patients) and unclassified (844 patients). Although the frequency of HAV infection among children had increased (10.6% to 22.0%) in the 5-year period, the frequency of HAV infection among adults had also increased (3.4% to 12.3%) during the same period. A total of 300 patients with chronic liver diseases that were etiologically related to hepatitis B (169), C (73) or dual infection (10) and alcoholic liver injury (48) were tested for the presence of IgG anti-HAV antibody; 98% (294/300) were positive for the antibody. Although universal vaccination against HAV is not currently indicated, selective vaccination of the high-risk population, based on their serological evidence of HAV antibody, would be a rational and cost-effective approach.
(vii) Argentina
Hepatitis A virus (HAV) has shown intermediate endemicity in Argentina. Its incidence has decreased since the HAV vaccine was introduced in 2005. Environmental surveillance was conducted in 5 rivers from Argentina from 2005 to 2012. HAV detection decreased since 2005. It is being circulated, maintaining viral diversity but not undergoing antigenic drift. Most sequences belonged to subgenotype IA, closely related to Argentinean clinical sequences. However, one belonged to proposed subgenotype IC, previously undetected in the country. Environmental surveillance might contribute to monitoring the single-dose vaccination schedule.
Implications of HAV infection to Malaysian food imports
Malaysia imports its beef or beef cattles from Argentina and India. It is important that the Malaysian authorities are strict with hepatitis A infection in frozen beef (daging beku) coming from overseas. Malaysia's high beef consumption hovers around the two festive seasons that are celebrated nationwide - Aidilfitri and Aidiladha.
Malaysians have started consuming milk and milk products from overseas since the 1980s. They include fresh and flavoured milk, ice-creams, yoghurts and yoghurt drinks. Food poisoning has been reported from primary schools but there are no reports of HAV infection from dairy produce.
External links "Hepatitis A." "Hepatitis-a-symptoms." "Frozen-berries-recalled-over-hepatitis-fears." "Green-onion." course and consequences of hepatitis A infection." "Hepatitis A Symptoms."
Hepatitis A virus (HAV)
HAV is a picornavirus
Review (original in German)
The virus responsible for hepatitis A--hepatitis A virus (HAV)--is a small, spherical, and exceptionally resistant RNA-virus. It is transmitted preferentially by the faecal-oral route and apparently replicates exclusively in the liver. The damage of the liver ensuing from HAV infection most likely does not stem directly from virus replication but is the result of an interaction of cell mediated virus-specific immunity with infected hepatocytes. Infection is usually self limiting, yet, in individual cases may also take a protracted and even relapsing course. True chronic infections, however, are not observed. HAV has a world-wide distribution. In countries where inadequate sanitary conditions prevail, the virus persists in the environment and almost 100% of the population acquires infection in childhood. At that age, infection causes no or only minimal clinical symptoms. Infected individuals nevertheless develop protective, long lasting immunity, probably persisting for entire life. In developed, industrialized countries HAV has ceased to circulate in the environment and the general population. Here, infections predominantly occur in adults travelling to endemic areas or exposed at home to thus infected individuals or members of high risk groups (e.g. children in day care centres, i.v. drug users). With increasing age infections become more and more clinically manifest and at and beyond of adolescence more than 80% of patients develop icteric, in some cases even fulminant and fatal hepatitis. Acute hepatitis A infection can be diagnosed by demonstrating the presence of anti-HAV-IgM antibodies. Immunity following either infection or successful vaccination is assessed by measuring anti-HAV-IgG. Preventive measures rely on strict personal and alimentary hygiene as well as on vaccination with inactivated (killed) hepatitis A vaccines. These vaccines are safe, highly immunogenetic and induce long lasting (> 20 years) protection against hepatitis A. Specific antiviral therapy is not yet available.
Hepatitis A (formerly known as infectious hepatitis) is an acute infectious disease of the liver. It is caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). The HAV is an RNA virus. It is usually spread by the fecal-oral route. It can be transmitted person-to-person by ingestion of contaminated food or water. It can be contracted through direct contact with an infectious person.
Tens of millions of individuals worldwide are estimated to become infected with HAV each year. The time between infection and the appearance of the symptoms (the incubation period) is between two and six weeks and the average incubation period is 28 days.
In developing countries, and in regions with poor standards of hygiene, the incidence of infection with HAV is high. The illness is usually contracted in early childhood. As incomes rise and access to clean water increases, the incidence of HAV decreases. Hepatitis A infection causes no clinical signs and symptoms in over 90% of infected children. The infection confers lifelong immunity. The disease is of no special significance to those infected early in life.
In more developed countries, in Europe, the USA and other industrialized countries, the infection is contracted primarily by susceptible young adults. Most of whom are infected with the virus during trips to countries with a high incidence of the disease. They can also contract HAV through contact with infectious persons.
HAV infection produces a self-limited disease that does not result in chronic infection or chronic liver disease. However, 10–15% of patients might experience a relapse of symptoms during the 6 months after acute illness.
Acute liver failure from Hepatitis A is rare (overall case-fatality rate: 0.5%). The risk for symptomatic infection is directly related to age, with more than 80% of adults having symptoms compatible with acute viral hepatitis and the majority of children having either asymptomatic or unrecognized infection. Antibody produced in response to HAV infection persists for life and confers protection against reinfection. The disease can be prevented by vaccination. Hepatitis A vaccines have been proven effective in controlling outbreaks worldwide.
Signs and symptoms
Early symptoms of hepatitis A infection can be mistaken for influenza. Some sufferers, especially children, exhibit no symptoms at all. Symptoms typically appear 2 to 6 weeks (the incubation period) after the initial infection.
Symptoms usually last less than 2 months, although some people can be ill for as long as 6 months:
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Nausea
- Loss of appetite (LOA)
- Jaundice, a yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes (sclarae) due to hyperbilirubinemia
- Bile is removed from blood stream and excreted in urine, giving it a dark amber colour
- Diarrhea
- Clay-coloured faeces (lacking the usual brown pigment)
Following ingestion, HAV enters the bloodstream through the epithelium of the oropharynx or intestine. The blood carries the virus to its target, the liver, where it multiplies within hepatocytes (liver cells) and Kupffer cells (liver macrophages).
Virions are secreted into the bile (hempedu) and released in stool. HAV is excreted in large quantities approximately 11 days prior to appearance of symptoms or anti-HAV IgM antibodies in the blood.
The incubation period is 15–50 days and mortality is less than 0.5%. Within the liver hepatocytes the RNA genome is released from the protein coat and is translated by the cell's own ribosomes.
Unlike other members of the Picornaviruses this virus requires an intact eukaryote initiating factor 4G (eIF4G) for the initiation of translation. The requirement for this factor results in an inability to shut down host protein synthesis unlike other picornaviruses.
The virus must then inefficiently compete for the cellular translational machinery which may explain its poor growth in cell culture. Presumably for this reason the virus has strategically adopted a naturally highly deoptimized codon usage with respect to that of its cellular host. Precisely how this strategy works is not quite clear yet.
There is no apparent virus-mediated cytotoxicity presumably because of the virus' own requirement for an intact eIF4G and liver pathology is likely immune-mediated.
The Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is a Picornavirus; it is non-enveloped and contains a single-stranded RNA packaged in a protein shell. There is only one serotype of the virus, but multiple genotypes exist. Codon use within the genome is biased and unusually distinct from its host. It also has a poor internal ribosome entry site. In the region that codes for the HAV capsid, there are highly conserved clusters of rare codons that restrict antigenic variability.
The virus spreads by the fecal-oral route. Infections often occur in conditions of poor sanitation and overcrowding. Hepatitis A can be transmitted by the parenteral route but very rarely by blood and blood products.
Food-borne outbreaks are not uncommon. Ingestion of shellfish cultivated in polluted water is associated with a high risk of infection. Approximately 40% of all acute viral hepatitis is caused by HAV.
Infected individuals are infectious prior to onset of symptoms, roughly 10 days following infection.
The virus is resistant to detergent, acid (pH 1), solvents (e.g., ether, chloroform), drying, and temperatures up to 60 °C. It can survive for months in fresh and salt water.
Common-source (e.g., water, restaurant) outbreaks are typical.
Infection is common in children in developing countries, reaching 100% incidence, but following infection there is lifelong immunity.
HAV can be inactivated by: chlorine treatment (drinking water), formalin (0.35%, 37 °C, 72 hours), peracetic acid (2%, 4 hours), beta-propiolactone (0.25%, 1-hour), and UV radiation (2 μW/cm2/min).
(i) Serum IgG and IgM
Two antibodies are used to detect HAV infection, HAV-specific IgM and HAV-specific IgG. Antibodies to HAV (anti-HAV) in the blood are a marker of past or current infection.
- HAV-specific IgM are used to detect present HAV infection.
- HAV-specific IgG are used to detect past HAV infection.
The presence of IgG antibody in the blood means that the acute stage of the illness is past and the person is immune to further infection. IgG antibody to HAV is also found in the blood following vaccination and tests for immunity to the virus are based on the detection of this antibody.
(ii) Hepatitis serological panel
Serological markers of acute hepatitis: HBsAg, HBcIgM, anti-HCV, HEV-IgM, and HAV-IgM.
Serological markers of chronic hepatitis: HBsAg, HBcIgG, HBeAg, and anti-HCV.
(iii) Serum ALT
During the acute stage of the infection, the liver enzyme alanine transferase (ALT) is present in the blood at levels much higher than is normal. The enzyme comes from the liver cells (hepatocytes) that have been damaged by the virus.
(iv) EM: Presence of HAV particles in blood and faeces
HAV is present in blood and faeces. It can be detected by electron microscopy (EM).
Hepatitis A virus is present in the blood (viremia) and faeces of infected people up to two weeks before clinical illness develops.
Hepatitis A can be prevented by vaccination, good hygiene and sanitation.
For information about the vaccine, its properties, and its application, see Hepatitis A vaccine.
There are two types of vaccines: one containing inactivated hepatitis A virus, and another containing a live but attenuated virus.
Both provide active immunity against a future infection.
The vaccine protects against HAV in more than 95% of cases for longer than 25 years.
In the USA the vaccine was first phased in 1996 for children in high-risk areas, and in 1999 it was spread to areas with elevating levels of infection.
The vaccine is given by injection.
An initial dose provides protection starting two to four weeks after vaccination; the second booster dose, given six to twelve months later, provides protection for over twenty years.
Vaccination programmes
The vaccine was introduced in 1992 and was initially recommended for persons at high risk.
Since then Bahrain and Israel have embarked on eradication programmes.
Australia, China, Belarus, Italy, Spain and the USA have started similar programmes.
The incidence of hepatitis A where widespread vaccination has been practised has decreased dramatically.
In China and the USA the incidence of hepatitis A has decreased by 90% since 1990.
There is no specific treatment for hepatitis A.
(i) The normal doctors' advice
Sufferers are advised to rest, avoid fatty foods and alcohol (these may be poorly tolerated for some additional months during the recovery phase and cause minor relapses), eat a well-balanced diet, and stay hydrated.
(ii) Traditional Malay advice
In the Malay World, the elderly will advise to take fresh goat's milk with infusion of the dukung anak plant. These are taken twice a day. This clears HAV infection within 2 weeks (as opposed to 1 month in the usual course of HAV clearance). The dukung anak plant is a common garden weed.
The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1991 reported a low mortality rate for hepatitis A of 4 deaths per 1000 cases for the general population but a higher rate of 17.5 per 1000 in those aged 50 and over.
The risk of death from acute liver failure following HAV infection increases with age and when the person has underlying chronic liver disease.
Young children that are infected with hepatitis A typically have a milder form of the disease, usually lasting from 1–3 weeks, whereas adults tend to experience a much more severe form of the disease.
High-income regions (Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United States, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Singapore) have very low HAV endemicity levels and a high proportion of susceptible adults.
Low-income regions (sub-Saharan Africa and parts of South Asia) have high endemicity levels and almost no susceptible adolescents and adults.
Most middle-income regions have a mix of intermediate and low endemicity levels.
Anti-HAV prevalence suggest that middle-income regions in Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East currently had an intermediate or low level of endemicity in 2005. The countries in these regions may have an increasing burden of disease from hepatitis A.
Globally, in 2010, acute hepatitis A resulted in 102,000 deaths which is slightly up from 99,000 in 1990.
There were 30,000 cases of Hepatitis A reported to the CDC in the U.S. in 1997. There were as many as 270,000 cases each year from 1980 through 2000.
Approximately one third of the US population has been infected by hepatitis A, most of whom go undiagnosed.
Only one serotype and seven different genetic groups (four humans and three simian) have been described.
The human genotypes are numbered I-III. Six subtypes have been described (IA, IB, IIA, IIB, IIIA, IIIB).
The simian (monkey) genotypes have been numbered IV-VI.
A single isolate of genotype VII isolated from a human has also been described.
Genotype III has been isolated from both humans and owl monkeys.
Most human isolates are of genotype I. Of the type I isolates subtype IA accounts for the majority. The mutation rate in the genome has been estimated to be 1.73 - 9.76 x 10−4 nucleotide substitution per site per year.
(i) USA - tainted green onions
The most widespread hepatitis A outbreak in the 2003 United States hepatitis outbreak afflicted at least 640 people (killing four) in north-eastern Ohio and south-western Pennsylvania in late 2003. The outbreak was blamed on tainted green onions at a restaurant in Monaca, Pennsylvania.
(ii) USA - recall of frozen berries
In June 2013, frozen berries sold by US retailer Costco and purchased by around 240,000 people were the subject of a recall, after at least 158 people were infected with HAV, 69 of whom were hospitalized.
(iii) China - contaminated river clams
In 1988, more than 300,000 people in Shanghai, China were infected with HAV after eating clams (Anadara subcrenata) from a contaminated river.
(iv) Italy
During the period 1985-1994, 25553 viral hepatitis cases were reported. Of these, 6408 (25%) were due to hepatitis A (HAV).
(v) Brazil
The prevalence of hepatitis A varies greatly in different Brazilian regions, from 56% in South and Southeast to 93% in North region (Manaus, Amazon). Such differences are also found in different socioeconomic levels among age groups.
(vi) India
Hepatitis A (HAV) is endemic in India and most of the population is infected asymptomatically in early childhood with lifelong immunity. Because of altered epidemiology and decreasing endemicity, the pattern of acute HAV infection is changing from asymptomatic childhood infection to an increased incidence of symptomatic disease in the 18-40 age group. Sera collected from 3495 patients with acute (1932) and chronic (1563) liver disease attending the Medical Outpatient Department of Lok Nayak Hospital during the previous five years (1999-2003) were tested for various serological markers of acute (HBsAg, HBcIgM, anti-HCV, HEV-IgM, and HAV-IgM) and chronic (HBsAg, HBcIgG, HBeAg, and anti-HCV) hepatitis. In addition, 500 normal healthy attendants of the patients above the age of 15 years were tested for IgG anti-HAV as controls. Of 1932 patients with acute viral hepatitis, 221 (11.4%) were positive for immunoglobulin M (IgM) anti-HAV. The patients who were IgM anti-HAV negative included hepatitis B (321 patients), C (39 patients), E (507 patients) and unclassified (844 patients). Although the frequency of HAV infection among children had increased (10.6% to 22.0%) in the 5-year period, the frequency of HAV infection among adults had also increased (3.4% to 12.3%) during the same period. A total of 300 patients with chronic liver diseases that were etiologically related to hepatitis B (169), C (73) or dual infection (10) and alcoholic liver injury (48) were tested for the presence of IgG anti-HAV antibody; 98% (294/300) were positive for the antibody. Although universal vaccination against HAV is not currently indicated, selective vaccination of the high-risk population, based on their serological evidence of HAV antibody, would be a rational and cost-effective approach.
(vii) Argentina
Hepatitis A virus (HAV) has shown intermediate endemicity in Argentina. Its incidence has decreased since the HAV vaccine was introduced in 2005. Environmental surveillance was conducted in 5 rivers from Argentina from 2005 to 2012. HAV detection decreased since 2005. It is being circulated, maintaining viral diversity but not undergoing antigenic drift. Most sequences belonged to subgenotype IA, closely related to Argentinean clinical sequences. However, one belonged to proposed subgenotype IC, previously undetected in the country. Environmental surveillance might contribute to monitoring the single-dose vaccination schedule.
Implications of HAV infection to Malaysian food imports
Malaysia imports its beef or beef cattles from Argentina and India. It is important that the Malaysian authorities are strict with hepatitis A infection in frozen beef (daging beku) coming from overseas. Malaysia's high beef consumption hovers around the two festive seasons that are celebrated nationwide - Aidilfitri and Aidiladha.
Malaysians have started consuming milk and milk products from overseas since the 1980s. They include fresh and flavoured milk, ice-creams, yoghurts and yoghurt drinks. Food poisoning has been reported from primary schools but there are no reports of HAV infection from dairy produce.
External links "Hepatitis A." "Hepatitis-a-symptoms." "Frozen-berries-recalled-over-hepatitis-fears." "Green-onion." course and consequences of hepatitis A infection." "Hepatitis A Symptoms."
hepatitis A,
Hepatitis B
Synonym: Serum hepatitis
Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Hepatitis B is an infectious inflammatory illness of the liver. It is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Hepatitis B affects humans.
It was originally known as "serum hepatitis". The disease has caused epidemics in parts of Asia and Africa. it is endemic in China. About a third of the world population has been infected at one point in their lives. There are 350 million people who are chronic carriers.
The HBV is transmitted by exposure to infectious blood or body fluids such as semen and vaginal fluids. Viral DNA has been detected in the saliva, tears, and urine of chronic carriers.
Perinatal infection is a major route of infection in endemic (mainly developing) countries.
Other risk factors for developing HBV infection include working in a healthcare setting, transfusions, dialysis, acupuncture, tattooing, sharing razors or toothbrushes with an infected person, travel in countries where it is endemic, and residence in an institution.
HBV cannot be spread by holding hands, sharing eating utensils or drinking glasses, kissing, hugging, coughing, sneezing, or breastfeeding.
The acute illness causes liver inflammation, vomiting, jaundice, and, rarely, death. Chronic hepatitis B may eventually cause cirrhosis and liver cancer—a disease with poor response to all but a few current therapies. The infection is preventable by vaccination.
HBV is a hepadnavirus—hepa from hepatotropic (attracted to the liver) and dna because it is a DNA virus—and it has a circular genome of partially double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). The viruses replicate through an RNA intermediate form by reverse transcription, which in practice relates them to retroviruses. Although replication takes place in the liver, the virus spreads to the blood where viral proteins and antibodies against them are found in infected people. The HBV is 50 to 100 times more infectious than HIV.
Signs and symptoms
(i) Acute HBV infection
Acute infection with HBV is associated with acute viral hepatitis–an illness that begins with general ill-health, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, body aches, mild fever, and dark urine, and then progresses to development of jaundice.
It has been noted that itchy skin has been an indication as a possible symptom of all hepatitis virus types. The illness lasts for a few weeks and then gradually improves in most affected people.
A few people may have more severe liver disease (fulminant hepatic failure), and may die as a result. The infection may be entirely asymptomatic and may go unrecognized.
(ii) Chronic HBV infection
Chronic infection with hepatitis B virus either may be asymptomatic or may be associated with a chronic inflammation of the liver (chronic hepatitis), leading to cirrhosis over a period of several years. This type of infection dramatically increases the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer).
Across Europe Hepatitis B and C cause approximately 50% hepatocellular carcinomas. Chronic carriers are encouraged to avoid consuming alcohol as it increases their risk for cirrhosis and liver cancer.
HBV has been linked to the development of membranous glomerulonephritis (MGN).
Symptoms outside of the liver are present in 1–10% of HBV-infected people and include serum-sickness–like syndrome, acute necrotizing vasculitis (polyarteritis nodosa), membranous glomerulonephritis, and papular acrodermatitis of childhood (Gianotti-Crosti syndrome). The serum-sickness–like syndrome occurs in the setting of acute hepatitis B, often preceding the onset of jaundice. The clinical features are fever, skin rash, and polyarteritis. The symptoms often subside shortly after the onset of jaundice, but can persist throughout the duration of acute hepatitis B. About 30–50% of people with acute necrotizing vasculitis (polyarteritis nodosa) are HBV carriers. HBV-associated nephropathy has been described in adults but is more common in children. Membranous glomerulonephritis is the most common form. Other immune-mediated hematological disorders, such as essential mixed cryoglobulinemia and aplastic anemia.
HBV Structure
HBV is a member of the Hepadnavirus family. The virus particle (virion) consists of an outer lipid envelope and an icosahedral nucleocapsid core composed of protein. These virions are 30-42 nm in diameter. The nucleocapsid encloses the viral DNA and a DNA polymerase that has reverse transcriptase activity. The outer envelope contains embedded proteins that are involved in viral binding of, and entry into, susceptible cells. The virus is one of the smallest enveloped animal viruses, and the 42 nM virions, which are capable of infecting hepatocytes (liver cells), are referred to as "Dane particles". In addition to the Dane particles, filamentous and spherical bodies lacking a core can be found in the serum of infected individuals. These particles are not infectious and are composed of the lipid and protein that forms part of the surface of the virion, which is called the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), and is produced in excess during the life cycle of the virus.
HBV Genome
The genome of HBV is made of circular DNA, but it is unusual because the DNA is not fully double-stranded. One end of the full length strand is linked to the viral DNA polymerase. The genome is 3020–3320 nucleotides long (for the full-length strand) and 1700–2800 nucleotides long (for the short length-strand). The negative-sense (non-coding) is complementary to the viral mRNA. The viral DNA is found in the nucleus soon after infection of the cell. The partially double-stranded DNA is rendered fully double-stranded by completion of the (+) sense strand and removal of a protein molecule from the (-) sense strand and a short sequence of RNA from the (+) sense strand. Non-coding bases are removed from the ends of the (-) sense strand and the ends are rejoined. There are four known genes encoded by the genome, called C, X, P, and S. The core protein is coded for by gene C (HBcAg), and its start codon is preceded by an upstream in-frame AUG start codon from which the pre-core protein is produced. HBeAg is produced by proteolytic processing of the pre-core protein. The DNA polymerase is encoded by gene P. Gene S is the gene that codes for the surface antigen (HBsAg). The HBsAg gene is one long open reading frame but contains three in frame "start" (ATG) codons that divide the gene into three sections, pre-S1, pre-S2, and S. Because of the multiple start codons, polypeptides of three different sizes called large, middle, and small (pre-S1 + pre-S2 + S, pre-S2 + S, or S) are produced. The function of the protein coded for by gene X is not fully understood but it is associated with the development of liver cancer. It stimulates genes that promote cell growth and inactivates growth regulating molecules.
HBV Replication
The life cycle of HBV is complex. Hepatitis B is one of a few known pararetroviruses: non-retroviruses that still use reverse transcription in their replication process. The virus gains entry into the cell by binding to NTCP on the surface and being endocytosed. Because the virus multiplies via RNA made by a host enzyme, the viral genomic DNA has to be transferred to the cell nucleus by host proteins called chaperones. The partially double stranded viral DNA is then made fully double stranded and transformed into covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) that serves as a template for transcription of four viral mRNAs. The largest mRNA, (which is longer than the viral genome), is used to make the new copies of the genome and to make the capsid core protein and the viral DNA polymerase. These four viral transcripts undergo additional processing and go on to form progeny virions that are released from the cell or returned to the nucleus and re-cycled to produce even more copies. The long mRNA is then transported back to the cytoplasm where the virion P protein (the DNA polymerase) synthesizes DNA via its reverse transcriptase activity.
HBV Serotypes and genotypes
The HBV is divided into four major serotypes (adr, adw, ayr, ayw) based on antigenic epitopes presented on its envelope proteins, and into eight genotypes (A-H) according to overall nucleotide sequence variation of the genome. The genotypes have a distinct geographical distribution and are used in tracing the evolution and transmission of the virus. Differences between genotypes affect the disease severity, course and likelihood of complications, and response to treatment and possibly vaccination.
Genotypes differ by at least 8% of their sequence and were first reported in 1988 when six were initially described (A-F). Two further types have since been described (G and H). Most genotypes are now divided into subgenotypes with distinct properties.
Distribution of genotypes
Genotype A is most commonly found in the Americas, Africa, India and Western Europe. It is divided into subgenotypes. Of these subgenotype A1 is further subdivided into an Asian and an African clade.
Genotype B is most commonly found in Asia and the United States. Genotype B1 dominates in Japan, B2 in China and Vietnam while B3 is confined to Indonesia. B4 is confined to Vietnam. All these strains specify the serotype ayw1. B5 is most common in the Philippines.
Genotype C is most common in Asia and the United States. Subgenotype C1 is common in Japan, Korea and China. C2 is common in China, South-East Asia and Bangladesh and C3 in Oceania. All these strains specify the serotype adr. C4 specifying ayw3 is found in Aborigines from Australia.
Genotype D is most commonly found in Southern Europe, India and the United States and has been divided into 8 subtypes (D1–D8). In Turkey genotype D is also the most common type. A pattern of defined geographical distribution is less evident with D1–D4 where these subgenotypes are widely spread within Europe, Africa and Asia. This may be due to their divergence having occurred before that of genotypes B and C. D4 appears to be the oldest split and is still the dominating subgenotype of D in Oceania.
Type E is most commonly found in West and Southern Africa.
Type F is most commonly found in Central and South America and has been divided into two subgroups (F1 and F2).
Genotype G has an insertion of 36 nucleotides in the core gene and is found in France and the United States.
Type H is most commonly found in Central and South America and California in United States.
Africa has five genotypes (A-E). Of these the predominant genotypes are A in Kenya, B and D in Egypt, D in Tunisia, A-D in South Africa and E in Nigeria. Genotype H is probably split off from genotype F within the New World.
A Bayesian analysis of the genotypes suggests that the rate of evolution of the core protein gene is 1.127 (95% credible interval 0.925-1.329) substitutions per site per year.
The most recent common ancestor of genotypes A, B, D evolved in 1895 (95% confidence interval 1819-1959), 1829 (95% confidence interval 1690-1935) and 1880 (95% confidence interval 1783-1948) respectively.
Mechanisms / Pathogenesis
HBV primarily interferes with the functions of the liver by replicating in liver cells (hepatocytes). A functional receptor is NTCP. There is evidence that the receptor in the closely related duck HBV is carboxypeptidase D. The virions bind to the host cell via the preS domain of the viral surface antigen and are subsequently internalized by endocytosis. HBV-preS-specific receptors are expressed primarily on hepatocytes; however, viral DNA and proteins have also been detected in extrahepatic sites, suggesting that cellular receptors for HBV may also exist on extrahepatic cells.
During HBV infection, the host immune response causes both hepatocellular damage and viral clearance. Although the innate immune response does not play a significant role in these processes, the adaptive immune response, in particular virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes(CTLs), contributes to most of the liver injury associated with HBV infection. CTLs eliminate HBV infection by killing infected cells and producing antiviral cytokines, which are then used to purge HBV from viable hepatocytes. Although liver damage is initiated and mediated by the CTLs, antigen-nonspecific inflammatory cells can worsen CTL-induced immunopathology, and platelets activated at the site of infection may facilitate the accumulation of CTLs in the liver.
Transmission of HBV results from exposure to infectious blood or body fluids containing blood. Possible forms of transmission include sexual contact, blood transfusions and transfusion with other human blood products, re-use of contaminated needles and syringes, and vertical transmission from mother to child transmission (MTCT) during childbirth. Without intervention, a mother who is positive for HBsAg confers a 20% risk of passing the infection to her offspring at the time of birth. This risk is as high as 90% if the mother is also positive for HBeAg. HBV can be transmitted between family members within households, possibly by contact of nonintact skin or mucous membrane with secretions or saliva containing HBV. However, at least 30% of reported hepatitis B among adults cannot be associated with an identifiable risk factor. Breastfeeding after proper immunoprophylaxis did not contribute to MTCT of HBV.
Hepatitis B viral antigens and antibodies detectable in the blood following acute infection are:
Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
Hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg)
IgM antibodies to the hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc IgM)
IgG antibodies to the hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc IgG)
Anti-HBc (both IgM and IgG)
Hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)
Hepatitis B viral antigens and antibodies detectable in the blood of a chronically infected person. The tests, called assays, for detection of hepatitis B virus infection involve serum or blood tests that detect either viral antigens (proteins produced by the HBV) or antibodies produced by the host. Interpretation of these assays is complex.
The hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) is most frequently used to screen for the presence of this infection. It is the first detectable viral antigen to appear during infection. However, early in an infection, this antigen may not be present and it may be undetectable later in the infection as it is being cleared by the host. The infectious virion contains an inner "core particle" enclosing viral genome. The icosahedral core particle is made of 180 or 240 copies of core protein, alternatively known as hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg). During this 'window' in which the host remains infected but is successfully clearing the virus, IgM antibodies to the hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc IgM) may be the only serological evidence of disease. Therefore most hepatitis B diagnostic panels contain HBsAg and total anti-HBc (both IgM and IgG).
Shortly after the appearance of the HBsAg, another antigen called hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) will appear. Traditionally, the presence of HBeAg in a host's serum is associated with much higher rates of viral replication and enhanced infectivity; however, variants of the hepatitis B virus do not produce the 'e' antigen, so this rule does not always hold true. During the natural course of an infection, the HBeAg may be cleared, and antibodies to the 'e' antigen (anti-HBe) will arise immediately afterwards. This conversion is usually associated with a dramatic decline in viral replication.
Ground glass hepatocytes as seen in a chronic hepatitis B liver biopsy.
H and E stain
If the host is able to clear the infection, eventually the HBsAg will become undetectable and will be followed by IgG antibodies to the hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs IgG) and core antigen (anti HBc IgG). The time between the removal of the HBsAg and the appearance of anti-HBs is called the window period. A person negative for HBsAg but positive for anti-HBs either has cleared an infection or has been vaccinated previously.
Individuals who remain HBsAg positive for at least six months are considered to be hepatitis B carriers. Carriers of the virus may have chronic hepatitis B, which would be reflected by elevated serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels and inflammation of the liver, as revealed by biopsy. Carriers who have seroconverted to HBeAg negative status, in particular those who acquired the infection as adults, have very little viral multiplication and hence may be at little risk of long-term complications or of transmitting infection to others.
PCR tests have been developed to detect and measure the amount of HBV DNA, called the viral load, in clinical specimens. These tests are used to assess a person's infection status and to monitor treatment. Individuals with high viral loads, characteristically have ground glass hepatocytes on biopsy.
(i) Hepatitis B vaccine
Vaccines for the prevention of hepatitis B have been routinely used since the early 1980s.
The first vaccines contained inactivated HBsAg that was derived from human plasma of hepatitis B virus carriers.
Modern vaccines contain HBsAg from yeast or mammalian cell cultures using recombinant DNA technology and have no risk of transmitting HBV.
Most vaccines are given in three doses over a course of months.
A protective response to the vaccine is defined as an anti-HBs antibody concentration of at least 10 mIU/ml in the recipient's serum.
The vaccine is more effective in children and 95% of those vaccinated have protective levels of antibody. This drops to around 90% at forty years of age and to around 75% in those over sixty.
The protection afforded by vaccination is long lasting even after antibody levels fall below 10 mIU/ml.
Vaccination at birth is recommended for all infants of HBV infected mothers.
A combination of hepatitis B immunoglobulin (Ig) and an accelerated course of HBV vaccine prevents perinatal HBV transmission in around 90% of cases.
(ii) Sperm washing
In assisted reproductive technology, The Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine advises that sperm washing is not necessary for males with hepatitis B to prevent transmission, unless the female partner has not been effectively vaccinated. In females with hepatitis B, the risk of vertical transmission (mother to child) during in vitro fertilisation (IVF) is no different from the risk in spontaneous conception.
The hepatitis B infection does not usually require treatment because most adults clear the infection spontaneously. Early antiviral treatment may be required in fewer than 1% of people, whose infection takes a very aggressive course (fulminant hepatitis) or who are immunocompromised. On the other hand, treatment of chronic infection may be necessary to reduce the risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer. Chronically infected individuals with persistently elevated serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), a marker of liver damage, and HBV DNA levels are candidates for therapy. Treatment lasts from six months to a year, depending on medication and genotype.
Although none of the available drugs can clear the infection, they can stop the HBV from replicating, thus minimizing liver damage. As of 2008, there are seven medications licensed for treatment of HBV infection in the USA. These include antiviral drugs lamivudine (Epivir), adefovir (Hepsera), tenofovir (Viread), telbivudine (Tyzeka) and entecavir (Baraclude), and the two immune system modulators interferon alpha-2a and PEGylated interferon alpha-2a (Pegasys). The use of interferon, which requires injections daily or thrice weekly, has been supplanted by long-acting PEGylated interferon, which is injected only once weekly. However, some individuals are much more likely to respond than others, and this might be because of the genotype of the infecting HBV or the person's heredity. The treatment reduces viral replication in the liver, thereby reducing the viral load (the amount of HBV particles as measured in the blood). Response to treatment differs between the genotypes.
Interferon treatment may produce an e antigen seroconversion rate of 37% in genotype A but only a 6% seroconversion in type D. Genotype B has similar seroconversion rates to type A while type C seroconverts only in 15% of cases. Sustained e antigen loss after treatment is ~45% in types A and B but only 25–30% in types C and D.
Prognosis[edit]Hepatitis B virus infection may be either acute (self-limiting) or chronic (long-standing). Persons with self-limiting infection clear the infection spontaneously within weeks to months.
Children are less likely than adults to clear the infection. More than 95% of people who become infected as adults or older children will stage a full recovery and develop protective immunity to the HBV. However, this drops to 30% for younger children, and only 5% of newborns that acquire the infection from their mother at birth will clear the infection. This population has a 40% lifetime risk of death from cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma. Of those infected between the age of one to six, 70% will clear the infection.
Hepatitis D (HDV) can occur only with a concomitant hepatitis B infection, because HDV uses the HBV surface antigen to form a capsid. Co-infection with hepatitis D increases the risk of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Polyarteritis nodosa is more common in people with hepatitis B infecti
HBV DNA persists in the body after infection, and in some people the disease recurs. Although rare, reactivation is seen most often following alcohol or drug use, or in people with impaired immunity. HBV goes through cycles of replication and non-replication. Approximately 50% of overt carriers experience acute reactivation.
Males with baseline ALT of 200 UL/L are three times more likely to develop a reactivation than people with lower levels.
Although reactivation can occur spontaneously, people who undergo chemotherapy have a higher risk. Immunosuppressive drugs favor increased HBV replication while inhibiting cytotoxic T cell function in the liver.
The risk of reactivation varies depending on the serological profile; those with detectable HBsAg in their blood are at the greatest risk, but those with only antibodies to the core antigen are also at risk. The presence of antibodies to the surface antigen, which are considered to be a marker of immunity, does not preclude reactivation.
Treatment with prophylactic antiviral drugs can prevent the serious morbidity associated with HBV disease reactivation.
Prevalence of HBV as of 2005.
In 2004, an estimated 350 million individuals were infected worldwide. National and regional prevalence ranges from over 10% in Asia to under 0.5% in the USA and northern Europe. Routes of infection include vertical transmission (such as through childbirth), early life horizontal transmission (bites, lesions, and sanitary habits), and adult horizontal transmission (sexual contact, intravenous drug use).
The primary method of transmission reflects the prevalence of chronic HBV infection in a given area. In low prevalence areas such as the continental USA and Western Europe, injection drug abuse and unprotected sex are the primary methods, although other factors may also be important.
In moderate prevalence areas, which include Eastern Europe, Russia, and Japan, where 2–7% of the population is chronically infected, the disease is predominantly spread among children.
In high-prevalence areas such as China and South East Asia (SEA), transmission during childbirth is most common (vertical transmission), although in other areas of high endemicity such as Africa, transmission during childhood is a significant factor.
The prevalence of chronic HBV infection in areas of high endemicity is at least 8% with 10-15% prevalence in Africa/Far East.
As of 2010, China has 120 million infected people, followed by India and Indonesia with 40 million and 12 million, respectively. According to World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 600,000 people die every year related to the infection.
(i) Smallpox in Bremen shipyard 1883; vaccination with lymph; Lurman's paper 1885; hypodermic needles 1909; Salvarsan for treating syphilis
The earliest record of an epidemic caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV) was made by Lurman in 1885. An outbreak of smallpox occurred in Bremen in 1883 and 1,289 shipyard employees were vaccinated with lymph from other people. After several weeks, and up to eight months later, 191 of the vaccinated workers became ill with jaundice and were diagnosed as suffering from serum hepatitis (HBV infection). Other employees who had been inoculated with different batches of lymph remained healthy. Lurman's paper, now regarded as a classical example of an epidemiological study, proved that contaminated lymph was the source of the outbreak. Later, numerous similar outbreaks were reported following the introduction, in 1909, of hypodermic needles that were used, and, more importantly, reused, for administering Salvarsan for the treatment of syphilis.
(ii) Baruch Blumberg at NIH 1966; Australian Ag (HBsAg); Australian aborigines; MacCallum 1947; DS Dane 1970 by EM; HBV genome sequenced and vaccines made 1980s;
The HBV was not discovered until 1966 when Baruch Blumberg, then working at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), discovered the Australia antigen (later known to be hepatitis B surface antigen, or HBsAg) in the blood of Australian aboriginal people. Although a virus had been suspected since the research published by MacCallum in 1947, D.S. Dane and others discovered the HBV particle in 1970 by electron microscopy. By the early 1980s the genome of the virus had been sequenced, and the first vaccines were being tested.
Society and culture
World Hepatitis Day is observed on 28 July. It aims to raise global awareness of hepatitis B and hepatitis C and encourage prevention, diagnosis and treatment. It has been led by the World Hepatitis Alliance since 2007 and in May 2010, it received global endorsement from the World Health Organization (WHO).
Sources and external links:
Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Hepatitis B is an infectious inflammatory illness of the liver. It is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Hepatitis B affects humans.
It was originally known as "serum hepatitis". The disease has caused epidemics in parts of Asia and Africa. it is endemic in China. About a third of the world population has been infected at one point in their lives. There are 350 million people who are chronic carriers.
The HBV is transmitted by exposure to infectious blood or body fluids such as semen and vaginal fluids. Viral DNA has been detected in the saliva, tears, and urine of chronic carriers.
Perinatal infection is a major route of infection in endemic (mainly developing) countries.
Other risk factors for developing HBV infection include working in a healthcare setting, transfusions, dialysis, acupuncture, tattooing, sharing razors or toothbrushes with an infected person, travel in countries where it is endemic, and residence in an institution.
HBV cannot be spread by holding hands, sharing eating utensils or drinking glasses, kissing, hugging, coughing, sneezing, or breastfeeding.
The acute illness causes liver inflammation, vomiting, jaundice, and, rarely, death. Chronic hepatitis B may eventually cause cirrhosis and liver cancer—a disease with poor response to all but a few current therapies. The infection is preventable by vaccination.
HBV is a hepadnavirus—hepa from hepatotropic (attracted to the liver) and dna because it is a DNA virus—and it has a circular genome of partially double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). The viruses replicate through an RNA intermediate form by reverse transcription, which in practice relates them to retroviruses. Although replication takes place in the liver, the virus spreads to the blood where viral proteins and antibodies against them are found in infected people. The HBV is 50 to 100 times more infectious than HIV.
Signs and symptoms
(i) Acute HBV infection
Acute infection with HBV is associated with acute viral hepatitis–an illness that begins with general ill-health, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, body aches, mild fever, and dark urine, and then progresses to development of jaundice.
It has been noted that itchy skin has been an indication as a possible symptom of all hepatitis virus types. The illness lasts for a few weeks and then gradually improves in most affected people.
A few people may have more severe liver disease (fulminant hepatic failure), and may die as a result. The infection may be entirely asymptomatic and may go unrecognized.
(ii) Chronic HBV infection
Chronic infection with hepatitis B virus either may be asymptomatic or may be associated with a chronic inflammation of the liver (chronic hepatitis), leading to cirrhosis over a period of several years. This type of infection dramatically increases the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer).
Across Europe Hepatitis B and C cause approximately 50% hepatocellular carcinomas. Chronic carriers are encouraged to avoid consuming alcohol as it increases their risk for cirrhosis and liver cancer.
HBV has been linked to the development of membranous glomerulonephritis (MGN).
Symptoms outside of the liver are present in 1–10% of HBV-infected people and include serum-sickness–like syndrome, acute necrotizing vasculitis (polyarteritis nodosa), membranous glomerulonephritis, and papular acrodermatitis of childhood (Gianotti-Crosti syndrome). The serum-sickness–like syndrome occurs in the setting of acute hepatitis B, often preceding the onset of jaundice. The clinical features are fever, skin rash, and polyarteritis. The symptoms often subside shortly after the onset of jaundice, but can persist throughout the duration of acute hepatitis B. About 30–50% of people with acute necrotizing vasculitis (polyarteritis nodosa) are HBV carriers. HBV-associated nephropathy has been described in adults but is more common in children. Membranous glomerulonephritis is the most common form. Other immune-mediated hematological disorders, such as essential mixed cryoglobulinemia and aplastic anemia.
HBV Structure
HBV is a member of the Hepadnavirus family. The virus particle (virion) consists of an outer lipid envelope and an icosahedral nucleocapsid core composed of protein. These virions are 30-42 nm in diameter. The nucleocapsid encloses the viral DNA and a DNA polymerase that has reverse transcriptase activity. The outer envelope contains embedded proteins that are involved in viral binding of, and entry into, susceptible cells. The virus is one of the smallest enveloped animal viruses, and the 42 nM virions, which are capable of infecting hepatocytes (liver cells), are referred to as "Dane particles". In addition to the Dane particles, filamentous and spherical bodies lacking a core can be found in the serum of infected individuals. These particles are not infectious and are composed of the lipid and protein that forms part of the surface of the virion, which is called the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), and is produced in excess during the life cycle of the virus.
HBV Genome
The genome of HBV is made of circular DNA, but it is unusual because the DNA is not fully double-stranded. One end of the full length strand is linked to the viral DNA polymerase. The genome is 3020–3320 nucleotides long (for the full-length strand) and 1700–2800 nucleotides long (for the short length-strand). The negative-sense (non-coding) is complementary to the viral mRNA. The viral DNA is found in the nucleus soon after infection of the cell. The partially double-stranded DNA is rendered fully double-stranded by completion of the (+) sense strand and removal of a protein molecule from the (-) sense strand and a short sequence of RNA from the (+) sense strand. Non-coding bases are removed from the ends of the (-) sense strand and the ends are rejoined. There are four known genes encoded by the genome, called C, X, P, and S. The core protein is coded for by gene C (HBcAg), and its start codon is preceded by an upstream in-frame AUG start codon from which the pre-core protein is produced. HBeAg is produced by proteolytic processing of the pre-core protein. The DNA polymerase is encoded by gene P. Gene S is the gene that codes for the surface antigen (HBsAg). The HBsAg gene is one long open reading frame but contains three in frame "start" (ATG) codons that divide the gene into three sections, pre-S1, pre-S2, and S. Because of the multiple start codons, polypeptides of three different sizes called large, middle, and small (pre-S1 + pre-S2 + S, pre-S2 + S, or S) are produced. The function of the protein coded for by gene X is not fully understood but it is associated with the development of liver cancer. It stimulates genes that promote cell growth and inactivates growth regulating molecules.
HBV Replication
The life cycle of HBV is complex. Hepatitis B is one of a few known pararetroviruses: non-retroviruses that still use reverse transcription in their replication process. The virus gains entry into the cell by binding to NTCP on the surface and being endocytosed. Because the virus multiplies via RNA made by a host enzyme, the viral genomic DNA has to be transferred to the cell nucleus by host proteins called chaperones. The partially double stranded viral DNA is then made fully double stranded and transformed into covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) that serves as a template for transcription of four viral mRNAs. The largest mRNA, (which is longer than the viral genome), is used to make the new copies of the genome and to make the capsid core protein and the viral DNA polymerase. These four viral transcripts undergo additional processing and go on to form progeny virions that are released from the cell or returned to the nucleus and re-cycled to produce even more copies. The long mRNA is then transported back to the cytoplasm where the virion P protein (the DNA polymerase) synthesizes DNA via its reverse transcriptase activity.
HBV Serotypes and genotypes
The HBV is divided into four major serotypes (adr, adw, ayr, ayw) based on antigenic epitopes presented on its envelope proteins, and into eight genotypes (A-H) according to overall nucleotide sequence variation of the genome. The genotypes have a distinct geographical distribution and are used in tracing the evolution and transmission of the virus. Differences between genotypes affect the disease severity, course and likelihood of complications, and response to treatment and possibly vaccination.
Genotypes differ by at least 8% of their sequence and were first reported in 1988 when six were initially described (A-F). Two further types have since been described (G and H). Most genotypes are now divided into subgenotypes with distinct properties.
Distribution of genotypes
Genotype A is most commonly found in the Americas, Africa, India and Western Europe. It is divided into subgenotypes. Of these subgenotype A1 is further subdivided into an Asian and an African clade.
Genotype B is most commonly found in Asia and the United States. Genotype B1 dominates in Japan, B2 in China and Vietnam while B3 is confined to Indonesia. B4 is confined to Vietnam. All these strains specify the serotype ayw1. B5 is most common in the Philippines.
Genotype C is most common in Asia and the United States. Subgenotype C1 is common in Japan, Korea and China. C2 is common in China, South-East Asia and Bangladesh and C3 in Oceania. All these strains specify the serotype adr. C4 specifying ayw3 is found in Aborigines from Australia.
Genotype D is most commonly found in Southern Europe, India and the United States and has been divided into 8 subtypes (D1–D8). In Turkey genotype D is also the most common type. A pattern of defined geographical distribution is less evident with D1–D4 where these subgenotypes are widely spread within Europe, Africa and Asia. This may be due to their divergence having occurred before that of genotypes B and C. D4 appears to be the oldest split and is still the dominating subgenotype of D in Oceania.
Type E is most commonly found in West and Southern Africa.
Type F is most commonly found in Central and South America and has been divided into two subgroups (F1 and F2).
Genotype G has an insertion of 36 nucleotides in the core gene and is found in France and the United States.
Type H is most commonly found in Central and South America and California in United States.
Africa has five genotypes (A-E). Of these the predominant genotypes are A in Kenya, B and D in Egypt, D in Tunisia, A-D in South Africa and E in Nigeria. Genotype H is probably split off from genotype F within the New World.
A Bayesian analysis of the genotypes suggests that the rate of evolution of the core protein gene is 1.127 (95% credible interval 0.925-1.329) substitutions per site per year.
The most recent common ancestor of genotypes A, B, D evolved in 1895 (95% confidence interval 1819-1959), 1829 (95% confidence interval 1690-1935) and 1880 (95% confidence interval 1783-1948) respectively.
Mechanisms / Pathogenesis
HBV primarily interferes with the functions of the liver by replicating in liver cells (hepatocytes). A functional receptor is NTCP. There is evidence that the receptor in the closely related duck HBV is carboxypeptidase D. The virions bind to the host cell via the preS domain of the viral surface antigen and are subsequently internalized by endocytosis. HBV-preS-specific receptors are expressed primarily on hepatocytes; however, viral DNA and proteins have also been detected in extrahepatic sites, suggesting that cellular receptors for HBV may also exist on extrahepatic cells.
During HBV infection, the host immune response causes both hepatocellular damage and viral clearance. Although the innate immune response does not play a significant role in these processes, the adaptive immune response, in particular virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes(CTLs), contributes to most of the liver injury associated with HBV infection. CTLs eliminate HBV infection by killing infected cells and producing antiviral cytokines, which are then used to purge HBV from viable hepatocytes. Although liver damage is initiated and mediated by the CTLs, antigen-nonspecific inflammatory cells can worsen CTL-induced immunopathology, and platelets activated at the site of infection may facilitate the accumulation of CTLs in the liver.
Transmission of HBV results from exposure to infectious blood or body fluids containing blood. Possible forms of transmission include sexual contact, blood transfusions and transfusion with other human blood products, re-use of contaminated needles and syringes, and vertical transmission from mother to child transmission (MTCT) during childbirth. Without intervention, a mother who is positive for HBsAg confers a 20% risk of passing the infection to her offspring at the time of birth. This risk is as high as 90% if the mother is also positive for HBeAg. HBV can be transmitted between family members within households, possibly by contact of nonintact skin or mucous membrane with secretions or saliva containing HBV. However, at least 30% of reported hepatitis B among adults cannot be associated with an identifiable risk factor. Breastfeeding after proper immunoprophylaxis did not contribute to MTCT of HBV.
Hepatitis B viral antigens and antibodies detectable in the blood following acute infection are:
Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
Hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg)
IgM antibodies to the hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc IgM)
IgG antibodies to the hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc IgG)
Anti-HBc (both IgM and IgG)
Hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)
Hepatitis B viral antigens and antibodies detectable in the blood of a chronically infected person. The tests, called assays, for detection of hepatitis B virus infection involve serum or blood tests that detect either viral antigens (proteins produced by the HBV) or antibodies produced by the host. Interpretation of these assays is complex.
The hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) is most frequently used to screen for the presence of this infection. It is the first detectable viral antigen to appear during infection. However, early in an infection, this antigen may not be present and it may be undetectable later in the infection as it is being cleared by the host. The infectious virion contains an inner "core particle" enclosing viral genome. The icosahedral core particle is made of 180 or 240 copies of core protein, alternatively known as hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg). During this 'window' in which the host remains infected but is successfully clearing the virus, IgM antibodies to the hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc IgM) may be the only serological evidence of disease. Therefore most hepatitis B diagnostic panels contain HBsAg and total anti-HBc (both IgM and IgG).
Shortly after the appearance of the HBsAg, another antigen called hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) will appear. Traditionally, the presence of HBeAg in a host's serum is associated with much higher rates of viral replication and enhanced infectivity; however, variants of the hepatitis B virus do not produce the 'e' antigen, so this rule does not always hold true. During the natural course of an infection, the HBeAg may be cleared, and antibodies to the 'e' antigen (anti-HBe) will arise immediately afterwards. This conversion is usually associated with a dramatic decline in viral replication.
Ground glass hepatocytes as seen in a chronic hepatitis B liver biopsy.
H and E stain
If the host is able to clear the infection, eventually the HBsAg will become undetectable and will be followed by IgG antibodies to the hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs IgG) and core antigen (anti HBc IgG). The time between the removal of the HBsAg and the appearance of anti-HBs is called the window period. A person negative for HBsAg but positive for anti-HBs either has cleared an infection or has been vaccinated previously.
Individuals who remain HBsAg positive for at least six months are considered to be hepatitis B carriers. Carriers of the virus may have chronic hepatitis B, which would be reflected by elevated serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels and inflammation of the liver, as revealed by biopsy. Carriers who have seroconverted to HBeAg negative status, in particular those who acquired the infection as adults, have very little viral multiplication and hence may be at little risk of long-term complications or of transmitting infection to others.
PCR tests have been developed to detect and measure the amount of HBV DNA, called the viral load, in clinical specimens. These tests are used to assess a person's infection status and to monitor treatment. Individuals with high viral loads, characteristically have ground glass hepatocytes on biopsy.
(i) Hepatitis B vaccine
Vaccines for the prevention of hepatitis B have been routinely used since the early 1980s.
The first vaccines contained inactivated HBsAg that was derived from human plasma of hepatitis B virus carriers.
Modern vaccines contain HBsAg from yeast or mammalian cell cultures using recombinant DNA technology and have no risk of transmitting HBV.
Most vaccines are given in three doses over a course of months.
A protective response to the vaccine is defined as an anti-HBs antibody concentration of at least 10 mIU/ml in the recipient's serum.
The vaccine is more effective in children and 95% of those vaccinated have protective levels of antibody. This drops to around 90% at forty years of age and to around 75% in those over sixty.
The protection afforded by vaccination is long lasting even after antibody levels fall below 10 mIU/ml.
Vaccination at birth is recommended for all infants of HBV infected mothers.
A combination of hepatitis B immunoglobulin (Ig) and an accelerated course of HBV vaccine prevents perinatal HBV transmission in around 90% of cases.
(ii) Sperm washing
In assisted reproductive technology, The Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine advises that sperm washing is not necessary for males with hepatitis B to prevent transmission, unless the female partner has not been effectively vaccinated. In females with hepatitis B, the risk of vertical transmission (mother to child) during in vitro fertilisation (IVF) is no different from the risk in spontaneous conception.
The hepatitis B infection does not usually require treatment because most adults clear the infection spontaneously. Early antiviral treatment may be required in fewer than 1% of people, whose infection takes a very aggressive course (fulminant hepatitis) or who are immunocompromised. On the other hand, treatment of chronic infection may be necessary to reduce the risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer. Chronically infected individuals with persistently elevated serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), a marker of liver damage, and HBV DNA levels are candidates for therapy. Treatment lasts from six months to a year, depending on medication and genotype.
Although none of the available drugs can clear the infection, they can stop the HBV from replicating, thus minimizing liver damage. As of 2008, there are seven medications licensed for treatment of HBV infection in the USA. These include antiviral drugs lamivudine (Epivir), adefovir (Hepsera), tenofovir (Viread), telbivudine (Tyzeka) and entecavir (Baraclude), and the two immune system modulators interferon alpha-2a and PEGylated interferon alpha-2a (Pegasys). The use of interferon, which requires injections daily or thrice weekly, has been supplanted by long-acting PEGylated interferon, which is injected only once weekly. However, some individuals are much more likely to respond than others, and this might be because of the genotype of the infecting HBV or the person's heredity. The treatment reduces viral replication in the liver, thereby reducing the viral load (the amount of HBV particles as measured in the blood). Response to treatment differs between the genotypes.
Interferon treatment may produce an e antigen seroconversion rate of 37% in genotype A but only a 6% seroconversion in type D. Genotype B has similar seroconversion rates to type A while type C seroconverts only in 15% of cases. Sustained e antigen loss after treatment is ~45% in types A and B but only 25–30% in types C and D.
Prognosis[edit]Hepatitis B virus infection may be either acute (self-limiting) or chronic (long-standing). Persons with self-limiting infection clear the infection spontaneously within weeks to months.
Children are less likely than adults to clear the infection. More than 95% of people who become infected as adults or older children will stage a full recovery and develop protective immunity to the HBV. However, this drops to 30% for younger children, and only 5% of newborns that acquire the infection from their mother at birth will clear the infection. This population has a 40% lifetime risk of death from cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma. Of those infected between the age of one to six, 70% will clear the infection.
Hepatitis D (HDV) can occur only with a concomitant hepatitis B infection, because HDV uses the HBV surface antigen to form a capsid. Co-infection with hepatitis D increases the risk of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Polyarteritis nodosa is more common in people with hepatitis B infecti
HBV DNA persists in the body after infection, and in some people the disease recurs. Although rare, reactivation is seen most often following alcohol or drug use, or in people with impaired immunity. HBV goes through cycles of replication and non-replication. Approximately 50% of overt carriers experience acute reactivation.
Males with baseline ALT of 200 UL/L are three times more likely to develop a reactivation than people with lower levels.
Although reactivation can occur spontaneously, people who undergo chemotherapy have a higher risk. Immunosuppressive drugs favor increased HBV replication while inhibiting cytotoxic T cell function in the liver.
The risk of reactivation varies depending on the serological profile; those with detectable HBsAg in their blood are at the greatest risk, but those with only antibodies to the core antigen are also at risk. The presence of antibodies to the surface antigen, which are considered to be a marker of immunity, does not preclude reactivation.
Treatment with prophylactic antiviral drugs can prevent the serious morbidity associated with HBV disease reactivation.
Prevalence of HBV as of 2005.
In 2004, an estimated 350 million individuals were infected worldwide. National and regional prevalence ranges from over 10% in Asia to under 0.5% in the USA and northern Europe. Routes of infection include vertical transmission (such as through childbirth), early life horizontal transmission (bites, lesions, and sanitary habits), and adult horizontal transmission (sexual contact, intravenous drug use).
The primary method of transmission reflects the prevalence of chronic HBV infection in a given area. In low prevalence areas such as the continental USA and Western Europe, injection drug abuse and unprotected sex are the primary methods, although other factors may also be important.
In moderate prevalence areas, which include Eastern Europe, Russia, and Japan, where 2–7% of the population is chronically infected, the disease is predominantly spread among children.
In high-prevalence areas such as China and South East Asia (SEA), transmission during childbirth is most common (vertical transmission), although in other areas of high endemicity such as Africa, transmission during childhood is a significant factor.
The prevalence of chronic HBV infection in areas of high endemicity is at least 8% with 10-15% prevalence in Africa/Far East.
As of 2010, China has 120 million infected people, followed by India and Indonesia with 40 million and 12 million, respectively. According to World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 600,000 people die every year related to the infection.
(i) Smallpox in Bremen shipyard 1883; vaccination with lymph; Lurman's paper 1885; hypodermic needles 1909; Salvarsan for treating syphilis
The earliest record of an epidemic caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV) was made by Lurman in 1885. An outbreak of smallpox occurred in Bremen in 1883 and 1,289 shipyard employees were vaccinated with lymph from other people. After several weeks, and up to eight months later, 191 of the vaccinated workers became ill with jaundice and were diagnosed as suffering from serum hepatitis (HBV infection). Other employees who had been inoculated with different batches of lymph remained healthy. Lurman's paper, now regarded as a classical example of an epidemiological study, proved that contaminated lymph was the source of the outbreak. Later, numerous similar outbreaks were reported following the introduction, in 1909, of hypodermic needles that were used, and, more importantly, reused, for administering Salvarsan for the treatment of syphilis.
(ii) Baruch Blumberg at NIH 1966; Australian Ag (HBsAg); Australian aborigines; MacCallum 1947; DS Dane 1970 by EM; HBV genome sequenced and vaccines made 1980s;
The HBV was not discovered until 1966 when Baruch Blumberg, then working at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), discovered the Australia antigen (later known to be hepatitis B surface antigen, or HBsAg) in the blood of Australian aboriginal people. Although a virus had been suspected since the research published by MacCallum in 1947, D.S. Dane and others discovered the HBV particle in 1970 by electron microscopy. By the early 1980s the genome of the virus had been sequenced, and the first vaccines were being tested.
Society and culture
World Hepatitis Day is observed on 28 July. It aims to raise global awareness of hepatitis B and hepatitis C and encourage prevention, diagnosis and treatment. It has been led by the World Hepatitis Alliance since 2007 and in May 2010, it received global endorsement from the World Health Organization (WHO).
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