Tuesday 25 October 2011

Electron Transport Chain (ETC) - Protein components; oxidative phosphorylation; reactions; inhibitors

Electron Transport Chain (ETC) 

Electron Transport Chain - components

Synonym: Electron Transport System (ETS)

ATP and Oxidative Phosphorylation

Oxidative Reactions: Dehydrogenases and Oxidases

Inhibitors of Oxidative Phosphorylation

Several chemicals can block electron transfer in ETS, or transfer of electrons to oxygen. All are strong poisons. Examples are:
  1.         Carbon monoxide (CO) -- combines directly with terminal cytochrome oxidase, blocks oxygen attachment.
  2.         Cyanide (CN-) and Azide (N3-) bind to cytochrome iron atoms, prevent electron transfer.
  3.         Antimycin A (an antibiotic) inhibits electron transfer between cyt b and c. 

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